A mixture of information, news & case studies
Ultimate performance short and medium term leys which provide the highest yield for silage. Good silage depends on many factors. These include appropriate fertiliser ...
Ian Wilkinson asses the sainfoin crop in June at Honeydale ...
Many farmers are increasingly concerned about which forage crops to plant to withstand lack of rain. However, for farmers on dry, neutral or alkaline soils lucerne could ...
If you are considering a new ley on dry or drought prone soil, then cocksfoot is the grass you should turn to. Considered by some to be unpalatable and coarse, others know it to ...
Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum) is an annual which is widely used across Europe. It is less common in the UK but can be a useful forage plant. It grows on most soils, even ...
Although lucerne is mainly used as a crop to produce hay or silage, it may in some cases be grazed in the autumn with sheep or cows. Sheep in Oxfordshire (pictured here) are ...
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