Hard Wearing Lawn with ryegrass

Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.

Mowing Height Low
Contains grasses that can be mown low to the ground once established. For producing a very fine turf for good quality mowers.Ref: MIXHAR. Designed to produce a tough and durable lawn which is easy to grow and live with. The mixture contains dwarf ryegrass, fescue and bentgrass which together produce a knitted turf and offer unbeatable toughness. As well as being used as a lawn, this mixture will produce a suitable turf for caravan parks and airfields. Turf growers also like the blend as it establishes quickly. Mixture Contents...
Ornamental Lawn without ryegrass

Slow Growing
Slower to establish but require much less maintenance and management.

Mowing Height Low
Contains grasses that can be mown low to the ground once established. For producing a very fine turf for good quality mowers.

Fine Leaved
Best quality seeds for superior finish. Requiring care and time to establish, the end result is very attractive.Ref: MIXORN. A superb fine-leaved mixture with a superior finish. It is suitable for sites where a 'bowling green' finish is required. The mixture is slow growing and tolerates light shade but will require regular feeding and mowing, ideally with a cylinder mower, to keep its appearance. Mixture Contents...
Shady Lawn without ryegrass

Slow Growing
Slower to establish but require much less maintenance and management.

Mowing Height Low
Contains grasses that can be mown low to the ground once established. For producing a very fine turf for good quality mowers.

Fine Leaved
Best quality seeds for superior finish. Requiring care and time to establish, the end result is very attractive.Ref: MIXSHA. A slow-growing mixture for low-light areas. A good turf can be produced especially when the mowing height is increased to 2-3 inches. Mixture Contents...
Orchard Mixture

Slow Growing
Slower to establish but require much less maintenance and management.

Mowing Height Low
Contains grasses that can be mown low to the ground once established. For producing a very fine turf for good quality mowers.Ref: MIXORC. A low growing mixture which tolerates some shade and requires little maintenance. It can be mown or grazed by sheep. Mixture Contents...