General Purpose Game Mix

Pollen & Nectar Source
This product contains flowering species which are beneficial for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.
Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: MIXGAME. This is our best-selling game crop which is a traditional spring sown mixture containing species selected to provide feed and cover. It is of particular interest to pheasants and partridges, but is also attractive to other wild farm birds. It is best sown during April and May into a well-worked seedbed. It is worth creating a stale seedbed before sowing in order to reduce the weed population. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
C4 Plants
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 10.0kg/acre (25.0kg/ha)

£49.99 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

General Purpose Game Mix 70% ORGANIC

Pollen & Nectar Source
This product contains flowering species which are beneficial for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.
Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: MIXGAMEORG. This is our best-selling game crop which is a traditional spring sown mixture containing species selected to provide feed and cover. It is of particular interest to pheasants and partridges, but is also attractive to other wild farm birds. It is best sown during April and May into a well-worked seedbed. It is worth creating a stale seedbed before sowing in order to reduce the weed population. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
C4 Plants
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 10.0kg/acre (25.0kg/ha)

£40.60 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

FlexiCover One Year Game Mix

Pollen & Nectar Source
This product contains flowering species which are beneficial for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.
Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: MIXFLEXI. This flexible mix combines brassicas, sorghums and cereals. Sowing in wide rows allows game birds easier movement if pushing them into a flushing point or sow in narrow rows to create a denser holding cover, or windbreak alongside maize Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
C4 Plants
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 16.0kg/acre (40.0kg/ha)

£49.13 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Flexi Game Cover 1 Year Mix 70% Organic

Pollen & Nectar Source
This product contains flowering species which are beneficial for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.
Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: MIXFLEXORG. This flexible mix combines brassicas, sorghums and cereals. Sowing in wide rows allows game birds easier movement if pushing them into a flushing point or sow in narrow rows to create a denser holding cover, or windbreak alongside maize Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
C4 Plants
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 20.0kg/acre (50.0kg/ha)

£58.59 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

FlexiCover Two Year Game Mix

Pollen & Nectar Source
This product contains flowering species which are beneficial for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.
Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: MIXFLEX2. The inclusion of Kale can ensure this mixture lasts for two full years. During establishment protect against flea beetle and consider fertiliser to push the brassicas past the most susceptible stage of pest damage. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
C4 Plants
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 15.0kg/acre (37.5kg/ha)

£77.98 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Flexi Game Cover 2 Year Mix 70% Organic

Pollen & Nectar Source
This product contains flowering species which are beneficial for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.
Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: MIXFLE2ORG. The inclusion of Kale can ensure this mixture lasts for two full years. During establishment protect against flea beetle and consider fertiliser to push the brassicas past the most susceptible stage of pest damage. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
C4 Plants
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 24.0kg/acre (60.0kg/ha)

£97.32 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Cotswold Partridge Game Mix

Pollen & Nectar Source
This product contains flowering species which are beneficial for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.
Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: MIXPART. The mix is designed to include species which attract partridge, as well as creating a broken canopy with room for birds to move through the cover. N.B. Stubble Turnips will be substituted this spring with a leafy Turnip variety due to stock shortage. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
C4 Plants
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 16.0kg/acre (40.0kg/ha)

£43.35 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Cotswold Partridge Mix 70% Organic

Pollen & Nectar Source
This product contains flowering species which are beneficial for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.
Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: MIXPARTORG. The mix is designed to include species which attract partridge, as well as creating a broken canopy with room for birds to move through the cover. Mixture Contents...
C4 Plants
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 16.0kg/acre (40.0kg/ha)

£66.58 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Retrieve Mixture

Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: MIXRET. For a summer sowing after a failed spring crop nothing beats rape and mustard. It’s quick, reliable and it works. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 5.0kg/acre (12.5kg/ha)

£18.61 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Retrieve Mixture 70% ORGANIC

Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: MIXRETORG. For a summer sowing after a failed spring crop nothing beats rape and mustard. It’s quick, reliable and it works. Updated 2018 for increased winter hardiness. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 5.0kg/acre (12.5kg/ha)

£24.34 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Short & Sturdy Game Cover Mix

Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: MIXSHORT. This mix is ideal for growing with maize to act as a windbreak on exposed sites or to create a flushing point in front of the gun line. The seed bearing grain sorghum, sunflower and millet also provide for farmland birds. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
C4 Plants
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 8.0kg/acre (20.0kg/ha)

£42.88 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Cotswold Game Kale Blend

Persistent Plants
Perennial species which survive for several or many years, saving money on establishment costs.
Ref: MIXKALE. The Kale mix combines two leafy varieties and good lodging resistance allows birds access and movement through the cover. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 3.0kg/acre (7.5kg/ha)

£50.70 / Acre

Units AcHa

Seed & Shelter Millet Mix

Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: MIXMIL. Combining red and white millet for a wider window of seed production and reed millet to provide cover. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
C4 Plants
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 8.0kg/acre (20.0kg/ha)

£31.80 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Quinoa/Kale Mixture

Slow Growing
Slower to establish but require much less maintenance and management.
Winter Hardy
Once properly established plants in this mix usually tolerate a typical British winter.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: MIXQUI. This simple combination supplies the two key requirements of birds: cover and feed. The kale provides excellent winter cover and supports the quinoa plants. Quinoa can provide 1-2 tonnes per acre of high protein feed from late autumn. To establish a good crop sow between April and May into a well worked seedbed which is free of weeds. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 3.0kg/acre (7.5kg/ha)

£40.66 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Game Maize (Zea mays)

Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: GAMEMAI. Specifically chosen for it’s early establishment vigour and impressive standing ability, providing robust cover late in the season. This variety will reach 2 metres and has medium to late maturity. If the priority is early cob production over holding cover please contact us for further options. It is best sown during May. Supplied in Acre packs only. Please call for availability More details...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 13.0kg/acre (32.5kg/ha)

£95.00 / Acre


Dwarf Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)

Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: SORGHUMPO. An excellent windbreak around other crops, it is an annual crop with similar properties to maize. Only available in sealed one acre packs. It is worth noting that sorghum seed is usually treated as standard, so please bear this in mind if ordering for organic farms. This is a grain sorghum variety which provides seed for farmland birds. Only available in acre packs More details...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 8.0kg/acre (20.0kg/ha)

£45.60 / Acre

Units Ac

Redstart Hybrid Rape/Kale (Brassica napus)

Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Winter Hardy
Once properly established plants in this mix usually tolerate a typical British winter.
Ref: HYBRIDRK. Introduced to capitalise on the benefits of both rape and kale, this new fodder crop is ready in 12 weeks from drilling. Many farmers favour this crop as it can offer good regrowth potential and improved winter hardiness. More details...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 3.0kg/acre (7.5kg/ha)

£8.70 / kg

Units AcHaKg

Interval Hybrid Rape/Kale (Brassica napus)

Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Winter Hardy
Once properly established plants in this mix usually tolerate a typical British winter.
Ref: HYBRIDRK2. Interval is a fast establishing Forage x Kale hybrid,combining the speed of establishment of Forage Rape and winter hardiness of Kale. Interval is an economical way of filling in short-term feed gaps and can be sown from April-September. It suits late spring/early summer sowing for utilisation before Christmas.For improved Winter hardiness & utilisation after Christmas consider Redstart. More details...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 3.0kg/acre (7.5kg/ha)

£5.85 / kg

Units AcHaKg

Japanese Reed Millet (Echinochloa esculenta)

Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Ref: JAPREED. Japanese Reed Millet (often known as Tanka) is a stronger, reasonably hardy millet, used promarily for cover and holding up other millet species, rather than a food source. More details...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 5.0kg/acre (12.5kg/ha)

£5.85 / kg


Carbon Mustard / Kale Hybrid (Brassica napus)

Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Ref: HYBRIDKM. A great crop for producing cover in a short space of time, normally sown in June or July for winter cover, from autumn onwards. It combines the rapid establishment of Mustard with the winter hardiness of Kale.It is a newer variety from the same plant breeder as Utopia. More details...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 2.0kg/acre (5.0kg/ha)

£40.00 / kg


White Millet (Panicum miliaceum)

Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: WMILLET. Highly recommended for its feed attributes. Millet is seldom sown on its own, however sown with maize or kale, results can be excellent. One method is to plant maize in the usual wide rows and then to drill or broadcast millet in blocks at right angles to the maize. This will ensure a steady release of birds. Sow during April and May. (Please note, the above picture is a Millet / Maize mixture) More details...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 10.0kg/acre (25.0kg/ha)

£3.40 / kg


Red Millet (Panicum miliaceum)

Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: RMILLET. Red millet has very similar attributes to its relative, white millet. Millet is seldom sown on its own, however sown with maize or kale, results can be excellent. One method is to plant maize in the usual wide rows and then to drill or broadcast millet in blocks at right angles to the maize. This will ensure a steady release of birds. Sow during April and May. More details...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 10.0kg/acre (25.0kg/ha)

£3.40 / kg


Dwarf Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)

Pollen & Nectar Source
This product contains flowering species which are beneficial for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.
Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: SUNFD. Drill after mid April into warm soils. Dwarf sunflower can reach 1-2 metres in height. More details...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 10.0kg/acre (25.0kg/ha)

£5.30 / kg

Units AcHaKg

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)

Pollen & Nectar Source
This product contains flowering species which are beneficial for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.
Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Farmland Bird
Produces autumn and winter food for seed eating birds.
Ref: SUNFLOWER. Drill after mid April into warm soils. Standard sunflower can reach 2 metres + but there are smaller dwarf varieties available. More details...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 10.0kg/acre (25.0kg/ha)

£5.30 / kg

Units AcHaKg

Canary Grass (Phalaris aquatica)

Persistent Plants
Perennial species which survive for several or many years, saving money on establishment costs.
Slow Growing
Slower to establish but require much less maintenance and management.
Winter Hardy
Once properly established plants in this mix usually tolerate a typical British winter.
Ref: CANAQU. This perennial grass is drilled in wide rows (60-90cm) and takes a year or so to become established. From the second year the seed heads will reach two metres and the crop can usually be relied upon for 10 years. Good for pheasants and partridges as well as linnets and wrens. Sow in May. More details...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 3.0kg/acre (7.5kg/ha)

£25.00 / kg


Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris arundinacea)

Persistent Plants
Perennial species which survive for several or many years, saving money on establishment costs.
Slow Growing
Slower to establish but require much less maintenance and management.
Winter Hardy
Once properly established plants in this mix usually tolerate a typical British winter.
Ref: REEDCAN. Grows taller than Canary grass and is more suitable to northern climates because it tolerates extreme cold weather. Reed Canary grass can be slow to establish, sometimes taking up to two years but it will tolerate a wide range of soil types. More details...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 3.0kg/acre (7.5kg/ha)

£24.00 / kg

Units AcHaKg