Short & Sturdy Game Cover Mix


This mix is ideal for growing with maize to act as a windbreak on exposed sites or to create a flushing point in front of the gun line. The seed bearing grain sorghum, sunflower and millet also provide for farmland birds.

Persistence (0-10 Years)

Contents per Acre%kg
certifed grain sorghum62.55.000
white millet5.00.400
red millet5.00.400
certified dwarf sunflower27.52.200
Units AcHaKg

£42.88 / Acre

Sowing rate: 8.0kg/acre (20.0kg/ha)

Minimum order 1 acre

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on orders over £75.

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C4 Plants

Dwarf Sorghum

Although it is grown around the world for grain and as a fodder source, in the Uk sorghum is generally used as game bird cover. Dwarf sorghum is a short, stocky type of sorghum, designed to remain strong and upright throughout the shooting season.

Dwarf Sorghum Species Guide  Buy Dwarf Sorghum Straight

C4 Plants

Red Millet

Red millet is a warm season, cultivated grass species. It has been grown for centuries for it seed, as a forage and human consumption. In the UK it is generally used as a game cover component, or in a winter bird food mixture to provide food during the hungry gap, when natural resources are exhausted.

Red Millet Species Guide



Sunflowers have been cultivated for their seeds for many centuries. In the UK we utilise them to provide food for farmland birds.

Sunflower Species Guide  Buy Sunflower Straight

C4 Plants

White Millet

White millet is a warm season, cultivated grass species. It has been grown for centuries for it seed, as a forage and human consumption. In the UK it is generally used as a game cover component, or in a winter bird food mixture to provide food during the hungry gap, when natural resources are exhausted.

White Millet Species Guide