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For a summer sowing after a failed spring crop nothing beats rape and mustard. It’s quick, reliable and it works. Updated 2018 for increased winter hardiness.

Persistence (0-10 Years)

Contents per Acre%kg
commercial ORGANIC buckwheat40.02.000
certified ORGANIC mustard20.01.000
certified ORGANIC fodder radish10.00.500
certified forage rape5.00.250
certified hybrid rape5.00.250
certified leafy turnip5.00.250
certified brown mustard5.00.250
certifed black oats10.00.500
Units AcHaKg

£24.34 / Acre

Sowing rate: 5.0kg/acre (12.5kg/ha)

Minimum order 1 acre

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Black Oats

Black oats are sometimes known as Japanese or bristle oats. They are similar in terms of their appearance to common oats, but are larger in size and deeper rooting. They are generally used as a soil improving crop or green manure. They may be especially useful if brassicas already form an important part of the rotation and subsequently cannot be used as a green manure.

Black Oats Species Guide  Buy Black Oats Straight


Brown Mustard

This is a quick growing winter hardy brassica, sometimes known as Indian mustard. It has had more interest recently due to its ability to supress certain soil borne nematodes in high value cash crops like potatoes and sugar beet, it could potentially be an alternative way of dealing with pest without using artificial nematicides, using a technique called bio-fumigation.

Brown Mustard Species Guide



This is a short term, aggressive weed suppressor. It is good at scavenging for phosphate in the soil, breaking it down and then making it available to subsequent crops after incorporation. It's especially useful in soils that suffer from phosphate lockup. With its quick growth, the plant can establish from seed in 8 - 10 weeks.

Buckwheat Species Guide  Buy Buckwheat Straight


Fodder Radish

Also commonly known as oil radish, fodder radish is a brassica, it is not a legume but it will hold any residual nitrogen in the soil, which it will then release as it breaks down over time. This species is slower to flower and go to seed than mustard and produces a deeper root system.

Fodder Radish Species Guide  Buy Fodder Radish Straight


Forage Rape

A quick growing, leafy brassica plant, this species provides a very palatable, high yielding, protein rich crop for livestock.

Forage Rape Species Guide  Buy Forage Rape Straight


Kale/Rape Hybrid

This is a hybrid or cross of two separate brassica parent plants, the kale plant and forage rape. The resulting hybrid has the quick speed of establishment of forage rape and the winter hardiness of kale. There are several varieties available on the market. We generally stock the variety Redstart, however Swift is a sister variety with similar attributes.

Kale/Rape Hybrid Species Guide  Buy Kale/Rape Hybrid Straight



Mustard is a rapidly growing, high biomass, nitrogen lifter for growing over the summer. It is one of the quickest growing, green manuring species and is very good at suppressing weeds.

Mustard Species Guide  Buy Mustard Straight


Stubble Turnip

One of the most popular short term forage crops in the UK. Stubble turnips are quick to establish with a good level of protein, making them ideal to fatten livestock, especially lambs over the winter. Different varieties are available, from white fleshed round bulbs to pink and white coloured tankard shaped bulbs. The small seed and low sowing rate make them a very economical way of feeding livestock.

Stubble Turnip Species Guide  Buy Stubble Turnip Straight

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