Stubble Turnip (Brassica rapa)
Turnips are grown in most areas of the UK as a highly digestible catch crop, producing around 4.5t DM per hectare within 10-12 weeks from sowing. Early sowing from late April produces heavy crops for dairy grazing or for fattening lambs weaned off grass from July onwards. Sowing also takes place throughout the summer until late August for feed through until January. PLEASE CALL FOR AVAILABILITY
Stubble Turnip
One of the most popular short term forage crops in the UK. Stubble turnips are quick to establish with a good level of protein, making them ideal to fatten livestock, especially lambs over the winter. Different varieties are available, from white fleshed round bulbs to pink and white coloured tankard shaped bulbs. The small seed and low sowing rate make them a very economical way of feeding livestock.