Dwarf Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)


An excellent windbreak around other crops, it is an annual crop with similar properties to maize. Only available in sealed one acre packs. It is worth noting that sorghum seed is usually treated as standard, so please bear this in mind if ordering for organic farms. This is a grain sorghum variety which provides seed for farmland birds. Only available in acre packs

Persistence (0-10 Years)

Units Ac

£5.70 / Kg

Sowing rate: 8.0kg/acre (20.0kg/ha)

Minimum order 2 kgs

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C4 Plants

Dwarf Sorghum

Although it is grown around the world for grain and as a fodder source, in the Uk sorghum is generally used as game bird cover. Dwarf sorghum is a short, stocky type of sorghum, designed to remain strong and upright throughout the shooting season.

Dwarf Sorghum Species Guide  Buy Dwarf Sorghum Straight