Cotswold Game Kale Blend


The Kale mix combines two leafy varieties and good lodging resistance allows birds access and movement through the cover.

Persistence (0-10 Years)

Contents per Acre%kg
certified THOUSAND HEAD kale75.02.250
certified PINFOLD kale25.00.750
Units AcHa

£50.70 / Acre

Sowing rate: 3.0kg/acre (7.5kg/ha)

Minimum order 1 acre

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on orders over £75.

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Kale is the highest yielding brassica and being winter hardy, can relieve pressure on winter forage. It has a high protein content and is usually grazed between September and March, depending on sowing time. It can be grazed by most livestock including sheep and cattle.

Kale Species Guide  Buy Kale Straight