Slender Creeping Red Fescue (Festuca rubra litoralis)
Slender creeping red fescue, as the name suggests, is a finer leaved relative of creeping red fescue and for this reason is commonly used in lawn mixtures. This attractive grass has good wear tolerance and is quick to establish.
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Slender Creeping Red Fescue
This densely tufted or mat forming species has a creeping growth habit, sending out rhizomes. It can form a close turf with bristle like, dark green, glossy leaves. It has uses in agricultural and amenity situations.
Slender Creeping Red Fescue Species Guide Buy Slender Creeping Red Fescue Straight