Perennial Flowering Insect Mix


A brightly coloured perennial mixture consisting of both legumes and wildflowers. The mix once established will flower from May-September. This mix can be sown around field margins or in strips across fields.

Persistence (0-10 Years)

Contents per Kg%kg
native red clover22.00.220
certified late flowering red clover20.00.200
certified alsike clover20.00.200
certified birdsfoot trefoil16.00.160
certified yellow trefoil5.50.055
Viper Bugloss2.00.020
Ox-eye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)1.00.010
Lesser Knapweed (Centaurea nigra)1.00.010
Red Campion (Silene dioica)1.00.010
Wild Carrot (Daucus carota)1.00.010
Yarrow forage herb0.50.005
Units AcHaKg

£33.94 / Kg

Sowing rate: 4.0kg/acre (10.0kg/ha)

Minimum order 1 kg

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Alsike Clover

Alsike clover is a short term perennial that fixes nitrogen. It is a true clover, not a hybrid as the name suggests. Compared to many annual clovers it can be the slowest to flower after a spring sowing.

Alsike Clover Species Guide  Buy Alsike Clover Straight


Birdsfoot Trefoil

Birdsfoot Trefoil is a legume, it grows from a basal crown, with numerous stems that can vary from prostrate to erect in growth habit. In some parts of the country it is called the 'eggs and bacon' plant.

Birdsfoot Trefoil Species Guide  Buy Birdsfoot Trefoil Straight


Late Flowering Red Clover

Red clover is one of the most popularly used true clovers in the UK. Once established it’s capable of rapid growth and shows reasonably good persistence up to three years, although ongoing breeding work is being carried out to increase plant persistence. The 'single cut' or 'late' strains of red clover, notably the diploid variety altaswede provide one large cut per season, flowering once per season, approximately 2-3 weeks later than the 'double cut' early strains.

Late Flowering Red Clover Species Guide

Wild Flower

Lesser Knapweed

Lesser knapweed is also known as common black knapweed. It is a competitive wild flower found throughout the UK and parts of western Europe, in old meadows and roadsides. It may be known as 'hardheads'.

Lesser Knapweed Species Guide


Native Red Clover

Native red clover, sometimes known as Essex or indigenous red clover, is a native variety to the UK. Generally this variety is smaller and lower yielding than an agriculturally bred strain, but with a longer lifespan. Despite being lower yielding than some varieties, it is notably early to flower, often seen from April to May.

Native Red Clover Species Guide

Wild Flower

Ox-eye Daisy

Ox-eye daisy is a robust wildflower species, the flower head is a typical daisy shape, with white petals and yellow central florets. They grow in solitary heads and are around three to five centimetres wide.

Ox-eye Daisy Species Guide

Wild Flower

Wild Carrot

This is a reliable pioneer species, which is quick to germinate and establish, reaching up to 100 cm in height. It is found across the UK and Western Europe.

Wild Carrot Species Guide



Yarrow is a small seeded forage herb which is commonly mixed with sheep's parsley, burnet and ribgrass to increase diversity and lift trace elements from deep within the soil profile, as a specific herbs mixture, or part of a diverse grass ley. It has been noted to improve circulation and blood flow in livestock.

Yarrow Species Guide  Buy Yarrow Straight


Yellow Trefoil / Black Medick

Yellow trefoil (also known as black medick) is a short lived annual/biennial legume, with a low growth habit making it a common choice for undersowing and soil improvement.

Yellow Trefoil / Black Medick Species Guide  Buy Yellow Trefoil / Black Medick Straight