Alsike Clover (Trifolium hybridum)


Alsike clover is a short term perennial species that fixes Nitrogen, its persisitance is up to 2 - 3 years. It is a true clover, not a hybrid as the name suggests, although its apperance looks like a cross over of the red and white clover flowers. Compared to many annual clovers it can be the slowest to flower after a spring sowing.

Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)

Units AcHaKg

£12.90 / Kg

Sowing rate: 5.0kg/acre (12.5kg/ha)

Minimum order 2 kgs

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Alsike Clover

Alsike clover is a short term perennial that fixes nitrogen. It is a true clover, not a hybrid as the name suggests. Compared to many annual clovers it can be the slowest to flower after a spring sowing.

Alsike Clover Species Guide  Buy Alsike Clover Straight