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Pig Rooting Short Term 1-2 Years 70% ORGANIC


Pigs are well known to be quite destructive in their grazing habits, and tend to graze from the ground up. Shorter term, cheaper mixes are preferred which are affordable, grow quickly and provide ample forage. This short term, grass based mix is designed to be as resilient as possible with the addition of species such as hybrid rape/ kale and turnips which suit the pig's rooting habit and tastes.

Persistence (0-10 Years)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)

Contents per Acre%kg
certified EARLY ENGLISH ORGANIC vetch33.35.000
certified TEANNA ORGANIC tet Italian ryegrass20.03.000
certified HELLEN ORGANIC westerwold ryegrass16.72.500
certified FABIO tetraploid Italian ryegrass15.02.250
certified ABERBANN perennial ryegrass10.01.500
certified EMERALD forage rape2.30.350
certified INTERVAL hybrid rape1.70.250
certified Marco stubble turnips1.00.150

£67.32 / Acre

Sowing rate: 15.0kg/acre (37.5kg/ha)

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Forage Rape

A quick growing, leafy brassica plant, this species provides a very palatable, high yielding, protein rich crop for livestock.

Forage Rape Species Guide  Buy Forage Rape Straight


Italian Ryegrass

This is a short lived grass lasting for two years. It is very high yielding and reliably provides up to 18t DM per hectare on soils that suit it. (All ryegrasses yield less on light soils, especially in low rainfall areas.) It has a very open growth habit with fewer tillers than other grasses. It is therefore better suited to cutting than grazing. Italian ryegrass has been the subject of plant breeding for many years, which means there are a wide range of varieties available commercially.

Italian Ryegrass Species Guide  Buy Italian Ryegrass Straight


Kale/Rape Hybrid

This is a hybrid or cross of two separate brassica parent plants, the kale plant and forage rape. The resulting hybrid has the quick speed of establishment of forage rape and the winter hardiness of kale. There are several varieties available on the market. We generally stock the variety Redstart, however Swift is a sister variety with similar attributes.

Kale/Rape Hybrid Species Guide  Buy Kale/Rape Hybrid Straight


Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial ryegrass is the most commonly grown productive grass in the UK, used particularly for livestock grazing and forage. It has been the subject of plant breeding for over 60 years, ensuring there are a wide range of perennial ryegrass varieties available commercially.

Perennial Ryegrass Species Guide  Buy Perennial Ryegrass Straight


Stubble Turnip

One of the most popular short term forage crops in the UK. Stubble turnips are quick to establish with a good level of protein, making them ideal to fatten livestock, especially lambs over the winter. Different varieties are available, from white fleshed round bulbs to pink and white coloured tankard shaped bulbs. The small seed and low sowing rate make them a very economical way of feeding livestock.

Stubble Turnip Species Guide  Buy Stubble Turnip Straight



Vetch is a well known legume also known as common vetch or tares. It scrambling, smothering growth habit and frost tolerance make it a very useful winter cover crop or green manure.

Vetch Species Guide  Buy Vetch Straight


Westerwold Ryegrass

Westerwolds is the highest yielding ryegrass with similar forage quality to the well known Italian ryegrass. This is an annual form of ryegrass which is very fast to establish, producing a silage crop just 12 weeks from sowing. It is the only grass to produce a stem and seed head from a spring sowing, making it suitable for the production of hay for horses, from a spring planting.

Westerwold Ryegrass Species Guide  Buy Westerwold Ryegrass Straight

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