Honeydale Farm Summer 2015

Posted: 27th July 2015

We planted a variety of crops earlier this year and it’s been encouraging to see them all growing so well. The twelve acres of Herbal Ley we planted in May germinated slowly because it’s been so dry, but with more rain, it’s now flourishing. We ploughed and  power harrowed ...

The Importance of Soil

Posted: 6th July 2015

Last week we welcomed the opportunity to deliver a workshop presentation on the importance of soil health to a diverse audience attending the Green Liberal Democrats conference.  This being the International Year of the Soil, it was particularly appropriate that we were able to discuss the ...

Wild Sainfoin

Posted: 25th June 2015

Sainfoin spotted in an unmanaged meadow area nearby in Upper Rissington. It's great to see it growing wild. It must have found its way there naturally, perhaps the seeds were carried by birds from a locally grown crop. Sainfoin is found growing wild across the uk, but only where the soil in a high ...

Out and About

Posted: 16th June 2015

We’ve been involved in two local events this week. Last Thursday we were invited to The Cotswold School in Bourton-on-the-Water, for a Food & Farming day, part of Open Farm Sunday initiative. We took along one of our newly branded vans as well as some seed, catalogues and various members ...
We’ve been delighted to have been part of the four year LegumePlus research project, led by Prof. Irene Mueller-Harvey of Reading University, which is now coming to an end.  It’s key objectives have been to investigate how bioactive forage legumes, in particular sainfoin and ...

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