LegumePlus - The Results

Posted: 30th October 2015

The LegumePlus Dissemination Event at NIAB’s Innovation Farm in Cambridge was a great success last week. The results of extensive studies into the benefits of growing sainfoin and other bioactive forage legumes were unveiled in a series of presentations by the scientists, ...
As one of this year’s judges, Ian Wilkinson gave a short talk at the presentation of the Gloucestershire Silver Pintail Award at Duchy Home Farm in Tetbury, established by Prince Charles to promote the wider adoption of organic farming and food production methods. Gloucestershire’s ...
As the four-year-long LegumePlus project comes to a close, highlights of the key findings are now available, in advance of the dissemination event to be held in October 2015. Parasitology Scientists in the EU-funded research project LegumePlus and their collaborators have found ...

Autumn Sowing Guide

Posted: 16th September 2015

It's best to exercise caution when it comes to late sowings in September and October.  This is a good time of year for sowing overwinter cover crops or green manures, which have increased in popularity due to ‘Greening’. However, time is of the essence as the weather deteriorates; ...

A New Route to New Roots

Posted: 11th September 2015

Our Mycorrhizal Fungi (MF) trials are progressing well. Earlier this year, we sought farmers willing to take part in trials of MF, sowing half their seeds with MF and half without. Naturally occurring, MF can provide a higher yielding grass ley with increased robustness, better drought tolerance ...

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