Guide to Green Manures

Posted: 17th February 2016

Long Term Green Manures: Nothing improves soil more than adding organic matter to it. Soils with enough organic matter are easier to work and grow better crops. This is well known and fast being recognised by all those involved in agriculture. Every year, due to cultivations, a crop uses between 2 ...

Behind the Scenes: Technological Totts

Posted: 8th February 2016

Paul Totterdell’s role at Cotswold Seeds has evolved over the years to cover all things technical, in every sense of the word. He was born in Gloucester but moved to North Littleton, near Evesham as a young boy, growing up in a rural community with many friends involved in farming. His first ...

Herbal Leys on BBC Radio 4's Farming Today

Posted: 29th January 2016

Ian Wilkinson was interviewed on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Farming Today’ programme, discussing the range of benefits created by growing complex or herbal leys. Presenter and producer Beatrice Fenton visited Cotswold Seeds’ warehouse in Moreton-in-Marsh to watch seeds being mixed ...

Macca’s Before and After

Posted: 16th December 2015

This spectacular ‘after’ shot was taken by Sam Mcpherson, aka Macca, Warehouse Assistant at Cotswold Seeds as well as enthusiastic sheep farmer. Sam rents seventeen acres at Sezincote Farm in Gloucestershire, where his father is cattle stockman. Sam’s flock of sheep comprise ...

Soil Farmer of the Year Competition

Posted: 7th December 2015

Soil underpins all activities on the farm so we are proud to support the Farmer of the Year competion, organised by the Farm Carbon Cutting Toolkit and Innovation for Agriculture. The competition is open to any farmers and growers who are doing something to improve their soils.  Win up to ...

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