Spring at Cotswold Honeydale Farm

Posted: 26th May 2015

We’ve been planting grass and wildflower margins at the edges of the fields to create pathways to walk around and we’ve also sown our Dry Land Herbal Ley in one of the arable fields. The seeds were broadcast with a spinner before rolling in. For many years the 11 acre field was used for ...

Introducing The LegumePlus Project

Posted: 14th May 2015

LegumePlus is a 4 year research project funded by the EU. Kicking off in 2012, its key objectives are to further investigate how bioactive forage legumes, in particular sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) and birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), can improve protein utilisation in ruminant livestock ...
A while ago I said I would write about green manures, but then I came to my senses, realised it was too bloody cold, and crawled back into bed with the flu. Then spring happened and I remembered my great new fact about green manures that I wanted to share. I heard it from a man called Ian ...

Cotswold Seeds in The Guardian

Posted: 19th April 2015

A while ago I said I would write about green manures, but then I came to my senses, realised it was too bloody cold, and crawled back into bed with the flu. Then spring happened and I remembered my great new fact about green manures that I wanted to share. I heard it from a man called Ian ...
Spring is finally in the air. Last year was very challenging being the wettest in living memory and the waterlogged land is finally drying up after the continual rain, snow and cold conditions. The ground temperature is at last at the point where overseeding can take place to&nb...

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