Natural Grazing Mix


This seed mixture was created by Simple System Horse Feeds 15 years ago, Natural Grazing Mix is a ryegrass free, high fibre forage mix that is ideal for adding variety and diversity to equine pasture. Created for grazing and suitable for hay cropping, Natural Grazing Mix includes a combination of hardy, creeping and drought resistant grass species, alongside Birdsfoot trefoil and sainfoin, for mineral rich content and soil improvement.While this original specification is an excellent choice for most horses and situations, the mixture can be tailored for heavier soils or those looking to add herbs as a boost to horse nutrition.

Persistence (0-10 Years)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)

Contents per Acre%kg
certified meadow fescue24.63.200
certified tall fescue10.41.350
certified cocksfoot10.41.350
certified creeping red fescue9.21.200
certified red/chewings fescue12.31.600
certified smooth stalked meadow grass11.21.450
certified Timothy11.51.500
certified common bentgrass1.50.200
certified sheeps fescue3.90.500
certified birdsfoot trefoil1.20.150
commercial Sainfoin3.90.500
Units AcHaKg

£78.61 / Acre

Sowing rate: 13.0kg/acre (32.5kg/ha)

Minimum order 1 acre

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on orders over £75.

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Common Bentgrass is a perennial grass with fine leaves, The seed head is delicate and attractive, opening loosely from late spring through to autumn. Older swards in heavily grazed or trampled areas may form dense, low growing clumps.

Bentgrass Species Guide  Buy Bentgrass Straight


Birdsfoot Trefoil

Birdsfoot Trefoil is a legume, it grows from a basal crown, with numerous stems that can vary from prostrate to erect in growth habit. In some parts of the country it is called the 'eggs and bacon' plant.

Birdsfoot Trefoil Species Guide  Buy Birdsfoot Trefoil Straight



A densely tufted, bluish green species, it can grow up to 1 metre in height and can create tussocks. The dense one sided panicle is said to resemble the shape of a cocks foot.

Cocksfoot Species Guide  Buy Cocksfoot Straight


Creeping Red Fescue

Often known as Strong Red Fescue, this common grass, as its name implies, has creeping rhizomes . It has a more vigorous creeping habit than some similar species which can help to create a dense, hardwearing turf or sward. These shallow creeping roots help it to remain green even in drier soils.

Creeping Red Fescue Species Guide  Buy Creeping Red Fescue Straight


Meadow Fescue

One of the larger fescues this is a valuable grazing grass which can also be made into hay. Recent thinking has altered the Latin so that the flat leaved fescues (meadow fescue and tall fescue) have been given their own genus, separate from the finer leaved fescues.

Meadow Fescue Species Guide  Buy Meadow Fescue Straight


Red Fescue / Chewings Fescue

Also known as chewings fescue, this is a fine leaved, tufted grass. It is distinguished from creeping red fescue by its absence of creeping rhizomes. It remains dark green throughout most of the season.

Red Fescue / Chewings Fescue Species Guide  Buy Red Fescue / Chewings Fescue Straight



Sainfoin is extremely palatable to livestock and has very good nutritional balance. It can be grazed or fed as hay or silage. It suits the thin soils and limestone rich downlands found in some areas of the UK. Loosely translated sainfoin in French means 'Healthy Hay'.

Sainfoin Species Guide  Buy Sainfoin Straight


Sheeps Fescue

The finest leaved and least aggressive fescue, it is found throughout the UK. It is hardy and drought resistant and will with-stand heavy grazing or close cutting, however it has a low forage yield. It is a useful species for providing a low growing, low maintenance green cover on difficult soils. It is one of the earlier fine fescues to flower in the spring.

Sheeps Fescue Species Guide


Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

Found throughout the UK in meadows and traditional pastures. It is said to be one of the greenest grasses found growing in the early spring, and is an indicator of land that is well drained and in good heart. The species itself is palatable, and nutritional to livestock, often called one of the traditional 'sweet grasses'.

Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass Species Guide  Buy Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass Straight


Tall Fescue

Tall fescue is found throughout the UK, it has similar features to meadow fescue, however it is distinguished by being taller, and coarser, with a rough upper leaf and margins. The well developed root system means it is tolerant of drought, damp and frost, which has created interest among plant breeders, looking to cross highly productive ryegrass and resilient fescue species as festuloliums. Recent thinking has altered the Latin so that the flat leaved fescues (meadow fescue and tall fescue) have been given their own genus, separate from the finer leaved fescues.

Tall Fescue Species Guide



Possibly the most important and flexible grass species which is used both environmentally and agriculturally. It is a very common species found in pasture throughout the UK. It retains its verdure longer than most grasses and although similar to smaller cats tail, it is larger in size with wider leaves and a longer spike like panicle.

Timothy Species Guide  Buy Timothy Straight