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Autumn Sown Two Year Grass/Legume Fallow (NUM3) 70% Organic


SFI Codes: NUM3

A 2-3 Year Mixture including legumes & grasses. The grass species inclusion improves ground cover during the winter and holds N fixed by the legumes. Call for advice if tailoring the grass species inclusion.

Contents per Acre%kg
certified ORGANIC perennial ryegrass45.05.400
certified tetraploid perennial ryegrass5.00.600
certified ORGANIC vetch25.03.000
certified alsike clover6.70.800
certified crimson clover4.20.500
certified Red Clover blend3.30.400
certified Red Clover blend3.30.400
certified birdsfoot trefoil2.10.250
certified lucerne2.50.300
certified white clover1.70.200
certified yellow trefoil1.30.150

£82.26 / Acre

Sowing rate: 12.0kg/acre (30.0kg/ha)

Minimum order 1 acre

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Alsike Clover

Alsike clover is a short term perennial that fixes nitrogen. It is a true clover, not a hybrid as the name suggests. Compared to many annual clovers it can be the slowest to flower after a spring sowing.

Alsike Clover Species Guide  Buy Alsike Clover Straight


Birdsfoot Trefoil

Birdsfoot Trefoil is a legume, it grows from a basal crown, with numerous stems that can vary from prostrate to erect in growth habit. In some parts of the country it is called the 'eggs and bacon' plant.

Birdsfoot Trefoil Species Guide  Buy Birdsfoot Trefoil Straight


Crimson Clover

An annual legume and true clover, traditionally sown in the south east of England for over-winter sheep keep.

Crimson Clover Species Guide  Buy Crimson Clover Straight



Also known as alfalfa in the states, lucerne benefits animal health and soil fertility. It is a high protein forage crop which is usually grown on its own and is very good on drought-prone soils. It establishes relatively slowly, producing significantly more biomass in the second and third years. Lucerne should only be grown on free-draining, alkaline soil. Lucerne requires the correct strain of rhizobia (known as an inoculant) to efficiently fix atmospheric nitrogen and get the most growth.

Lucerne Species Guide  Buy Lucerne Straight


Medium Leaved White Clover

White clover is one of the most common legumes in the UK. This species can be recognised by its creeping growth habit. Its creeping stolons help to fill in gaps in the sward, putting down roots at each node. White clover varieties can be categorised into small, medium and large leaf sizes. Generally the smaller the leaf size, the more persistent and prostrate the plant will be, the small leaf type will tolerate closer grazing from sheep and tends to sit lower at the base of the sward, the small and medium leaf varieties are used for grazing mixtures. Using mixtures of white clover varieties helps to ensure that at least one can tolerate and contribute to what ever management regime is being imposed at a given time. The medium leaf varieties are very adaptable, generally they can be used for both grazing and cutting mixtures. They combine a good tolerance to cattle or sheep grazing and can contribute to cutting yields, while still being more persistent than the large leaf varieties. There are also variations, which can be classed as small to medium in terms of leaf size. Common medium leaf varieties are aberherald & aberdai, while the variety aberpearl is classed as small to medium leaf in terms of size.

Medium Leaved White Clover Species Guide  Buy Medium Leaved White Clover Straight


Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial ryegrass is the most commonly grown productive grass in the UK, used particularly for livestock grazing and forage. It has been the subject of plant breeding for over 60 years, ensuring there are a wide range of perennial ryegrass varieties available commercially.

Perennial Ryegrass Species Guide  Buy Perennial Ryegrass Straight


Red Clover

Red clover is one of the most popularly used true clovers in the UK. Once established it’s capable of rapid growth and shows reasonably good persistence up to three years, although ongoing breeding work is being carried out to increase plant persistence. The highest yielding strains of red clover are called 'double cut' varieties, normally providing quick regrowth after cutting and several flushes or cuts per season. The 'single cut' strains of red clover, notably the variety altaswede provide one large cut per season, flowering approximately 2-3 weeks later than the 'double cut' strains.

Red Clover Species Guide



Vetch is a well known legume also known as common vetch or tares. It scrambling, smothering growth habit and frost tolerance make it a very useful winter cover crop or green manure.

Vetch Species Guide


Yellow Trefoil / Black Medick

Yellow trefoil (also known as black medick) is a short lived annual/biennial legume, with a low growth habit making it a common choice for undersowing and soil improvement.

Yellow Trefoil / Black Medick Species Guide

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