Bee Update

Posted: 30th August 2016

Today's visit to the bees was thankfully quite straightforward, thanks to both hives and their queens being healthy and performing well. One noticeable point during today's inspection was the large amount of colourful pollen present. Some of the brood frames were almost completely covered in pollen ...

Autumn Favourites

Posted: 22nd August 2016

Our diverse mixtures and herbal leys have become increasingly popular over the past year. The autumn planting window for pure grass stretches until the end of September or even into October, depending on the weather. But any mixes containing legumes, like clovers, really need to be ...

Cereal Rye in Short Supply

Posted: 16th August 2016

The topsy turvy weather has meant that the harvest has been difficult and delayed for many this year, and it’s literally been a case of making hay while the sun shines. But we’re now entering the narrow planting window for autumn sown crops and our warehouse is ...

Honeydale Honey

Posted: 15th August 2016

We have now filtered our first harvest of honey to remove any impurities, and after being allowed to settle for a week, the honey has been put into jars. We have chosen not to heat treat or pasteurise Honeydale Honey, so it will be raw and contain all of it's natural goodness. Although ...

In Clover by September

Posted: 9th August 2016

Red Clover can be sown unitl mid-September. Without nitrogen fertiliser, red clover leys produce a protein-rich 15t DM per hectare.With its high yielding ability, forage quality and suitability for silage, red clover swards could play an increasingly important role in sustainable systems of ...

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