200 Years Of Mob Grazing

Posted: 21st September 2016

Why the diverse ley system of rotational farming has lasted for 200 years. British novelist L.P. Hartley famously wrote that, ‘The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.’ But not when it comes to farming with diverse leys. This is a system that has stood the test ...

Guide to Forage

Posted: 19th September 2016

The autumn season provides the second opportunity in the year to think about planting grass leys. At Cotswold Seeds the majority of our orders are received in the autumn, taking advantage of reasonable weather conditions, appropriate soil and air temperatures and usually the ability to achieve ...

Look Out for Lizzie

Posted: 12th September 2016

When you ring the office to order your seed mixtures the first person you’re likely to speak to is Sales Administrator Lizzie Arnold. It’s also Lizzie you’ll meet face-to-face when Cotswolds Seeds are out and about at various agricultural events. Lizzie joined Cotswold Seeds ...


Posted: 8th September 2016

Another straight forward inspection was carried out today; things are looking good all round and we have added an additional super to each hive. The sainfoin is flowering amazingly well and is absolutely full of bees; not just honeybees but many different species, which is quite a sight to ...

Getting Ready for Grassland & Muck 2017

Posted: 7th September 2016

We’re delighted and excited to announce that Cotswold Seeds will be taking in part in the Grassland & Muck Event next year. The leading event for grass, forage and muck, it takes place on 24 and 25 May at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire, where we’ll be showcasing seed mixtures for ...

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