Mix Finder

We have found 9 suitable items

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Lucerne (Medicago sativa)

Pollen & Nectar Source
This product contains flowering species which are beneficial for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.
Drought Tolerant
Contains deep rooted plants. Grows better in dry weather than shallow rooted species. Massively improves soil structure.
Low Fertiliser Input
Contains enough N fixing legumes to be self sufficient requiring no fertiliser input.
Nitrogen Fixing
This item contains leguminous species, which naturally fix Nitrogen from the air into the soil.
Slow Growing
Slower to establish but require much less maintenance and management.
Ref: LUCE. Lucerne is a very popular plant in the US, used in the UK for silage and hay. Lucerne is also known as Alfalfa when sown as hay to the equine market. It is a high protein nitrogen fixing legume which thrives on free draining, non-acidic soil and requires no fertiliser. More details...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 8.0kg/acre (20.0kg/ha)

£87.20 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Lucerne ORGANIC (Medicago sativa)

Pollen & Nectar Source
This product contains flowering species which are beneficial for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.
Drought Tolerant
Contains deep rooted plants. Grows better in dry weather than shallow rooted species. Massively improves soil structure.
Low Fertiliser Input
Contains enough N fixing legumes to be self sufficient requiring no fertiliser input.
Nitrogen Fixing
This item contains leguminous species, which naturally fix Nitrogen from the air into the soil.
Slow Growing
Slower to establish but require much less maintenance and management.
Ref: LUCO. Lucerne is a very popular plant in the US, used in the UK primarily for silage and hay. Lucerne is also known as Alfalfa when sown as hay to the equine market. It is a high protein nitrogen fixing legume which thrives on free draining, non-acidic soil and requires no fertiliser. More details...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 8.0kg/acre (20.0kg/ha)

£87.20 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Westerwold Hay Mixture

Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Winter Hardy
Once properly established plants in this mix usually tolerate a typical British winter.
Ref: MIXWWH. This flexible cutting option, produces a short term, clean, high quality hay. This mix has been designed to include high levels of diploid Westerwold which contains less moisture and dries evenly, speeding up the hay making process. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 14.0kg/acre (35.0kg/ha)

£41.30 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Maximum D-Value Four-Five Year Silage Ley

Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Grass Only
Intensive production for maximum yield of forage with high nitrogen applications.
Ref: MIXC. Maximum feed value can only be obtained from well made, high D-value silage. This ley will provide optimum D-value and yield during the third week of May. Yields are boosted by utilising hybrid ryegrass. This quality ley will also provide good summer and late season grazing. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 14.0kg/acre (35.0kg/ha)

£71.52 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Quick Bulk Westerwolds - Intensive One Year Ley

Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Grass Only
Intensive production for maximum yield of forage with high nitrogen applications.
Ref: MIXQB. A very fast growing ley which can be sown in the spring or autumn and is primarily grown to produce silage. However, it can be grazed and the crop can provide 'early bite' when sown in the autumn. Spring sowings on fertile soils with adequate moisture perform well but expectations should be lowered on drought-prone land. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 14.0kg/acre (35.0kg/ha)

£41.30 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Quick Bulk Westerwolds - Intensive One Year Ley 70% ORGANIC

Annual Species
Contains annual plants which usually die once they have flowered. Most annuals establish and set seed in the same year.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Grass Only
Intensive production for maximum yield of forage with high nitrogen applications.
Ref: MIXQBORG. A very fast growing ley which can be sown in the spring or autumn and is primarily grown to produce silage. However, it can be grazed and the crop can provide 'early bite' when sown in the autumn. Spring sowings on fertile soils with adequate moisture perform well but expectations should be lowered on drought-prone land. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 14.0kg/acre (35.0kg/ha)

£60.41 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Hybrid Silage Ley - Three-Four Year Ley

Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Grass Only
Intensive production for maximum yield of forage with high nitrogen applications.
Ref: MIXB. Early growth, high yields and good persistence make hybrid ryegrasses worth considering when the ley is expected to remain down for more than two years. Utilising excellent hybrid varieties, this ley is comparable, in terms of output, with Italian ryegrass leys. It should also be noted that the grazing potential of this ley is superior. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Conventional Only

Sowing rate: 14.0kg/acre (35.0kg/ha)

£58.50 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Hard Horse Hay - Two Year Ley

Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Ref: MIX9. This mix is devised specifically for the production of hay or haylage. Lasting two years, and with good disease resistance it produces a consistent sample of hard hay. It is principally a cutting ley but can be grazed. Sow in autumn to provide stemmy hay the following spring. Spring sowings result in soft, leafy grass unsuitable for hay production until the following year. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 14.0kg/acre (35.0kg/ha)

£44.10 / acre

Units AcHaKg

Hard Horse Hay - Two Year Ley 70% ORGANIC

Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Ref: MIX9ORG. This mix is devised specifically for the production of hay or haylage. Lasting two years, and with good disease resistance it produces a consistent sample of hard hay. It is principally a cutting ley but can be grazed. Sow in autumn to provide stemmy hay the following spring. Spring sowings result in soft, leafy grass unsuitable for hay production until the following year. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 14.0kg/acre (35.0kg/ha)

£61.46 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Long Lasting Upland Dual Purpose Mix

Low Fertiliser Input
Contains enough N fixing legumes to be self sufficient requiring no fertiliser input.
Persistent Plants
Perennial species which survive for several or many years, saving money on establishment costs.
Nitrogen Fixing
This item contains leguminous species, which naturally fix Nitrogen from the air into the soil.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Ref: MIXCGO5. This mix is very long lasting and will tolerate harsh upland conditions. It is very palatable and is best when rotationally grazed to allow a period of recovery and regrowth. It can also be cut for silage or hay with the best quality forage coming from swards which are cut before heading. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 12.5kg/acre (31.3kg/ha)

£99.98 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Long Lasting Upland Dual Purpose Mix 70% ORGANIC

Low Fertiliser Input
Contains enough N fixing legumes to be self sufficient requiring no fertiliser input.
Persistent Plants
Perennial species which survive for several or many years, saving money on establishment costs.
Nitrogen Fixing
This item contains leguminous species, which naturally fix Nitrogen from the air into the soil.
Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Ref: MIXCGO5ORG. This ryegrass-free mix is very long lasting and will tolerate harsh upland conditions. It is very palatable and is best when rotationally grazed to allow a period of recovery and regrowth. It can also be cut for silage or hay with the best quality forage coming from swards which are cut before heading. Call for availability Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 12.5kg/acre (31.3kg/ha)

£136.21 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Traditional Hay Maker - Long Term Hay Ley

Persistent Plants
Perennial species which survive for several or many years, saving money on establishment costs.
Slow Growing
Slower to establish but require much less maintenance and management.
Ref: MIXHM. This traditional hay mix is very long lasting, although slower to establish than a straight ryegrass ley, it will go on to provide good quality, bulky hay crops with low disease levels for many years. Once cut it can be used for aftermath grazing. Expect a high Timothy content and coarse hay sample. Speak to an adviser if you require a softer, green meadow hay type sample Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 13.0kg/acre (32.5kg/ha)

£81.40 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Traditional Hay Maker - Long Term Hay Ley - 70% ORGANIC

Persistent Plants
Perennial species which survive for several or many years, saving money on establishment costs.
Slow Growing
Slower to establish but require much less maintenance and management.
Ref: MIXHMORG. This traditional hay mix is very long lasting, although slower to establish than a straight ryegrass ley, it will go on to provide good quality, bulky hay crops with low disease levels for many years. Once cut it can be used for aftermath grazing. Expect a high Timothy content and coarse hay sample. Speak to an adviser if you require a softer, green meadow hay type sample Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 13.0kg/acre (32.5kg/ha)

£104.19 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Hay & Graze - Four Year Dual Purpose Hay/Haylage Ley

Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Ref: MIXHG. A longer term option for hay and haylage production with hybrid and perennial ryegrass. Diploid varieties have been included for faster drying. Timothy will provide good bulk from year two onwards. Sow in the autumn to provide a crop for the spring, it can also be cut earlier in the year to provide haylage. Once cut it will provide high quality late summer and autumn grazing. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 13.0kg/acre (32.5kg/ha)

£65.77 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Hay & Graze Medium Term 4 year Hay Ley - 70% ORGANIC

Fast Establishment
Quick to establish with rapid growth. Very competitive against weeds and fast to recover after cutting/grazing.
Ref: MIXHGORG. A longer term option for hay and haylage production with hybrid and perennial ryegrass. Diploid varieties have been included for faster drying. Timothy will provide good bulk from year two onwards. Sow in the autumn to provide a crop for the spring, it can also be cut earlier in the year to provide haylage. Once cut it will provide high quality late summer and autumn grazing. Mixture Contents...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 13.0kg/acre (32.5kg/ha)

£76.89 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

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The selected products below may also work for your criteria but would not be a typical choice.

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Permanent Grass

This versatile mixture contains persistent varieties ensuring good yields for cutting and grazing over many years. Timothy is extremely resistant to cold temperatures and provides good late-season growth. The thick bottomed sward structure is obtained by using late perennial ryegrasses and highly nutritious white clover. This mixture is very hardy and can be grown in upland or lowland areas.

Ryegrass Over-Seeding Longer Term 4-5 Years

A flexible mixture for grazing or cutting fields which require longer term improvement. The grasses will provide growth from spring through the summer.

Ryegrass Over-Seeding Longer Term 4-5 Years 70% ORGANIC

A flexible mixture for grazing or cutting fields which require longer term improvement. The grasses will provide growth from spring through the summer.

Standard Horse Pasture - Long Term Grazing & Hay

This is our standard mix which provides a fast establishing dense turf for grazing or the occasional cut of hay. It does contain ryegrass so would not be suitable for horses or ponies that are prone to laminitis or Equine Metabolic Syndrome.

Standard Horse Pasture - Long Term Grazing & Hay - 70% ORGANIC

This is our standard mix which provides a fast establishing dense turf for grazing or the occasional cut of hay. It does contain ryegrass so would not be suitable for horses or ponies that are prone to laminitis or Equine Metabolic Syndrome.

Ryegrass Over-Seeding Short Term 2-3 Years

Ideal for the short term improvement of silage leys. The mixture is very competitive and provides good early spring growth. First cut is usually taken between the second and third weeks of May.

Ryegrass Over-Seeding Short Term 2-3 Years 70% ORGANIC

Ideal for the short term improvement of silage leys. The mixture is very competitive and provides good early spring growth. First cut is usually taken between the second and third weeks of May.

Early Bite Sheep & Hay Ley

Ideal for more early grass on light land, this ley will provide good growth throughout the year and is especially good for lamb production. It is also suitable for hay or silage and can be expected to last for at least three years. Contains white clovers, making grazing more palatable and increasing live weight gains.

Equine Pasture Mix - Long Term No Ryegrass

This is a more persistent, non-ryegrass mix providing good quality, diverse forage with a low sugar content. Although this mix will take a little longer to establish than a ryegrass based mix, it will provide a dense, resilient turf with balanced forage for grazing and hay.

Equine Pasture Mix - Long Term No Ryegrass - 70% ORGANIC

This is a more persistent, non-ryegrass mix providing good quality, diverse forage with a low sugar content. Although this mix will take a little longer to establish than a ryegrass based mix, it will provide a dense, resilient turf with balanced forage for grazing and hay.

Herbal AD Mix for Heavy Soils 4 Year Ley

Where the standard Herbal AD mix above is great for light land, there are some species ion this mix which may not survive as well on heavier or wetter soils. This 'Heavy Soil' equivalent mixture is an alternative choice which only contains species which will grow on these heavier soil types with poorer drainage, but still provides all the benefits of a deep rooting and diverse mixture.