Permanent Grass
Ref: mix6
This versatile mixture contains persistent varieties ensuring good yields for cutting and grazing over many years. Timothy is extremely resistant to cold temperatures and provides good late-season growth. The thick bottomed sward structure is obtained by using late perennial ryegrasses and high quality, nutritious white clover. This mixture is very hardy and can be grown in upland or lowland areas.
Contents per Acre | % | kg | |
certified ABERBANN perennial ryegrass | 23.1 | 3.000 | |
certified ABERBANN perennial ryegrass | 15.4 | 2.000 | |
certified TWYMAX tet. perennial ryegrass | 21.5 | 2.800 | |
certified ABERWOLF perennial ryegrass | 19.2 | 2.500 | |
certified COMER timothy | 13.1 | 1.700 | |
certified BUDDY white clover | 3.1 | 0.400 | |
certified ABERHERALD white clover | 3.1 | 0.400 | |
certified ABERACE wild white clover | 1.5 | 0.200 |
Medium Leaved White Clover
White clover is one of the most common legumes in the UK. This species can be recognised by its creeping growth habit. Its creeping stolons help to fill in gaps in the sward, putting down roots at each node. White clover varieties can be categorised into small, medium and large leaf sizes. Generally the smaller the leaf size, the more persistent and prostrate the plant will be, the small leaf type will tolerate closer grazing from sheep and tends to sit lower at the base of the sward, the small and medium leaf varieties are used for grazing mixtures. Using mixtures of white clover varieties helps to ensure that at least one can tolerate and contribute to what ever management regime is being imposed at a given time. The medium leaf varieties are very adaptable, generally they can be used for both grazing and cutting mixtures. They combine a good tolerance to cattle or sheep grazing and can contribute to cutting yields, while still being more persistent than the large leaf varieties. There are also variations, which can be classed as small to medium in terms of leaf size. Common medium leaf varieties are aberherald & aberdai, while the variety aberpearl is classed as small to medium leaf in terms of size.
Medium Leaved White Clover Species Guide Buy Medium Leaved White Clover Straight
Perennial Ryegrass
Perennial ryegrass is the most commonly grown productive grass in the UK, used particularly for livestock grazing and forage. It has been the subject of plant breeding for over 60 years, ensuring there are a wide range of perennial ryegrass varieties available commercially.
Perennial Ryegrass Species Guide Buy Perennial Ryegrass Straight
Possibly the most important and flexible grass species which is used both environmentally and agriculturally. It is a very common species found in pasture throughout the UK. It retains its verdure longer than most grasses and although similar to smaller cats tail, it is larger in size with wider leaves and a longer spike like panicle.
Wild White Clover (small leaved)
White clover is one of the most common legumes in the UK. This species can be recognised by its creeping growth habit. Its creeping stolons help to fill in gaps in the sward, putting down roots at each node. White clover varieties can be categorised into small, medium and large leaf sizes. Generally the smaller the leaf size, the more persistent and prostrate the plant will be, the small leaf type will tolerate closer grazing from sheep and tends to sit lower at the base of the sward, the small and medium leaf varieties are used for grazing mixtures. Using mixtures of white clover varieties helps to ensure that at least one can tolerate and contribute to what ever management regime is being imposed at a given time. The small leaf varieties are the lowest growing and the most prostrate. Due to the low growing point on the plant , they have a good tolerance to cattle and especially sheep grazing. The small leaf varieties are the most persistent perennial clovers. Small leaf varieties are sometimes call 'wild white clover', one of the best known was the Aberystwyth S 184 variety, another was Kent wild white clover, a more modern version of this variety type is called aberace.
Wild White Clover (small leaved) Species Guide Buy Wild White Clover (small leaved) Straight