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Quick Growth Cover Crop (SAM2) 70% Organic


A fast growing & economical mixture designed to cover bare ground quickly, it can be sown after harvest directly in to stubble for summer and autumn cover. This mix must be shallow sown at no deeper than 10mm to encourage a fast and reliable germination.

Contents per Acre%kg
certified ORGANIC mustard50.02.500
certfied ORGANIC fodder radish20.01.000
certified Fodder Radish23.01.150
certified phacelia7.00.350

£27.16 / Acre

Sowing rate: 5.0kg/acre (12.5kg/ha)

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Fodder Radish

Also commonly known as oil radish, fodder radish is a brassica, it is not a legume but it will hold any residual nitrogen in the soil, which it will then release as it breaks down over time. This species is slower to flower and go to seed than mustard and produces a deeper root system.

Fodder Radish Species Guide  Buy Fodder Radish Straight



Mustard is a rapidly growing, high biomass, nitrogen lifter for growing over the summer. It is one of the quickest growing, green manuring species and is very good at suppressing weeds.

Mustard Species Guide  Buy Mustard Straight



Phacelia is a rapidly growing, high biomass plant. It is a nitrogen holder and weed suppressor. Its eye catching purple flowers are particularly good at attracting bees and other beneficial insects.

Phacelia Species Guide  Buy Phacelia Straight

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