For many years the organisation responsible for plant breeding and varietal experimentation in Switzerland has been Agroscope ART in Reckenholz.  The scientists at Reckenholz, and particularly the breeding specialist Beat Boller, have been responsible for many successful varieties such as the ...
We are excited to be a part in the Pollinator Survey this year which will be taking place on Open Farm Sunday. This is a scientific survey to access insects like bees, wasps, hover flies and butterflies, which are critical in the growth of 80% of British plant types.  The public will be ...

Soils and Nutrition Workshop, Sussex

Posted: 30th October 2012

Join in an interesting and informative soil workshop in Sussex, on November 7th.  Join us for a one day technical event dedicated to informing and inspiring farmers and growers on the latest thinking and developments in relation to soil management. The aim of the workshop which is ...
Cotswold Seeds is currently undergoing an expansion project to its warehousing and processing facility in Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire. The new facility will triple the mixing capacity, and will include the installation of more efficient technology to better process grass seed mixtures. It ...
This valuable short term catch crop can be sown until the end of August. Stubble turnips and rape grow very quickly so from a planting then, you could be on grazing in the middle of November, providing excellent winter keep. The seed can be drilled into stubble, a good dose of slurry or ...

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