Magnesium Levels in Grassland

Posted: 30th April 2014

Magnesium is a vital ingredient for soil and plant health and deficiencies can have a dramatic impact on crops and livestock. It is a nutrient  that’s important for the processing of plant chlorophyll and for improving the utilisation of phosphorus in the soil,  as well as aiding ...
Our Responses to BBC Radio 4 Farming Today’s Grass Special You might have heard that the focus on Farming Today this week is ‘Why Grass Matters’, which has raised some excellent points and discussed issues we’re passionate about at Cotswold Seeds.  The ...

Have you seen a tannin before?

Posted: 5th February 2014

As part of our involvement with the LegumePlus project studying the various benefits of Sainfoin (, we are exposed to a great deal of scientific information, but it's not often we get to see such vivid pictures of the items we are studying.  The pictures you see here are of ...
Areas of heavy equine usage such as gateways and grass tracks around paddocks are at their worst this time of year. Continuous hoof traffic – also known as poaching - causes serious damage to grass and to soil structure which will create ever bigger bare patches in the summer and even deeper ...

Changes to Organic Seed Mixtures

Posted: 10th January 2014

In order to comply with the latest organic guidelines in the UK, our mixtures are updated to increase organic content from 65%, to 70% of the total mixture. You can also request a new 2014 ...

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