How we can help you achieve your EFAs

Posted: 7th August 2014

A recent CAP update presentation from Andersons farm Business Consultants made us aware of various areas where we can help farmers in terms green cover and catch crops (green manures). Potentially you could grow green manures to gain percentage points for ecological focus areas (EFA). Though some ...

Cornfield Annuals Seeds in Bloom

Posted: 24th July 2014

Glorious photos of our Cornfield Annual Mixture in bloom in Surrey. (/products/929/cornfield-annuals-mixture)  'A very cheerful display which is much admired – a sea of sunshine!' according to our very happy customer.The seeds were sown by hand at the end of March, the soil ...
Becky Willson, Farm Carbon Cutting Toolkit Project Officer Profitable and sustainable farming is the ultimate aim of any farm business.  Minimising the environmental impact of production by reducing emissions and adapting to climate change, while at the same time achieving the ...

LegumePlus project meeting

Posted: 30th May 2014

Professor Salminen of Turku University welcomes LegumePlus to Finland Paul Totterdell, Assistant Manager at Cotswold Seeds, visited Finland this month as part of our continued involvement in the LegumePlus project. The latest project meeting was hosted by the Finnish partners from The University ...

Praise Bee Charity on Countryfile

Posted: 28th May 2014

We’ve been providing seeds and advice for the Praise Bee project - a charity set up in conjunction with the Church of England to conserve the mason bee. Featured on BBC Countryfile this week - about 42 minutes in, with four days left to view!

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