We're receiving more and more questions from customers concerned about how to manage wireworms. Wireworms, the juvenile larvae of the click beetle (Elateridae) are a particular risk to crops which follow grass within a four year period. It’s believed that the wireworms feed on ploughed down ...
Species of the Week: Milvus Red Clover has very good persistence. The Swiss plant breeders have used the Matenklee or mountain type Red Clover as a parent and have bred a variety which has been proved to last a full four years in the UK, ensuring it produces high quality forage for a number of ...
This period of warm, settled weather has created a window for hay making. But while it’s always a relief to get hay in the barn in dry conditions, early cutting can come with its own hazards. Some earlier hay crops like autumn sown westerwolds and Italian ryegrass are not as far through ...

Species of the Week: Red Clover

Posted: 20th May 2020

  Red Clover  is one of the most popular true clovers in the UK. Once established it’s capable of rapid growth and shows reasonably good persistence up to three years. Used for silage and aftermath grazing in the autumn, it can also be used as a soil improving green manure.More ...

Taking First Cut Silage

Posted: 13th May 2020

An update from Peter Cheek at Godminster Farm, one of our First Hand Case Studies. See the full case study here: https://www.cotswoldseeds.c...

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