Autumn Sown Hay & Graze Mix

Posted: 23rd August 2021

  This Hay & Graze mix was sown in autumn 2020 using discs to create a seed bed after harvest and sown with an air seeder, before rolling twice. The mix provided winter grazing followed by a fertiliser application in mid-March of 60kgs of nitrogen plus sulphur. It was cut in early June ...
When winter barley crops are ready for harvest is the perfect time to start making plans for the Autumn. Choose a seed mixture that will fit into your rotation, be it an over winter green manure crop, or the introduction of a permanent pasture. Over Winter green manure crops help accumulate ...
When harvest is complete, planning when new leys are drilled is crucial over the following weeks. With legumes very sensitive to temperature, the sooner any seed mixtures containing clovers can be drilled the better. Early frosts have caught some farmers out in recent years, so it is advisable to ...

Soil Health Courses at FarmED

Posted: 21st July 2021

Starting next month, agroecological adviser Niels Corfield is leading three courses at FarmED about regenerative soil health - one for arable farmers, one for livestock farmers and graziers, and one for horticultural growers. Check out the videos below for a sneak preview of what's in store ...
Last month Cotswold Seeds lead a herbal ley course at FarmED, for those interested in exploring complex seed mixture of grasses, legumes and herbs for livestock health, soil fertility and forage. This one day course proved so popular we've scheduled another for July 13th, which is also ...

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