Vegetative Growth
Flowering Plant

Meadow Fescue


(Schedonorus pratensis (Festuca pratensis))

One of the larger fescues this is a valuable grazing grass which can also be made into hay. Recent thinking has altered the Latin so that the flat leaved fescues (meadow fescue and tall fescue) have been given their own genus, separate from the finer leaved fescues.


It also grows well on poorer soils, some evidence suggests that on low fertility areas without nitrogen fertiliser, it can out yield perennial ryegrass.


A perennial species


It can be grazed by livestock. Its wide leaves make it a useful hay meadow grass.

Frost Tolerance

Very winter hardy.


In low fertility situations its has a comparable yield to perennial ryegrass

Sowing Rate Advice

12 - 14kg per acre / 30 - 35kg/ha

Ideal Sowing Time

This species combines very well with Timothy for a traditional long lasting upland or hay ley.


This non ryegrass species should not be over grazed, allowing an interval for recovery between grazing's. The grass it produces is highly acceptable to grazing stock providing it is kept leafy. It can also be cut, especially for hay, and the best quality hay or silage will come from swards which are cut before heading.

Distinguishing characteristics


The seed is thin and narrow, with a papery, beige colour. It has a smooth texture and is 6mm in length.

Vegetative State

Flowering Plant

Flowering Plant
Bright green in colour. The leaf blades are ribbed on the upper side and more glossy on the underside. The leaves clasp the stem by long sheaths. The plant has a barely discernible ligule (1mm) and small auricles clasping the stem. The spikelets within the panicle are tinged with reddish / brown. It can reach 40 - 80 cm in height.

Additional Info

Flowers June - July. Average seeds per kg - 500,000.

Works well with

Meadow fescue can be combined with Timothy for a Long Lasting Upland Ley

Buy Meadow Fescue Straight

You can find Meadow Fescue in the following mixtures