The Amphitheatre at Berrybank Park, the stunning new outdoor performance space in the Cotswolds, is covered in Cotswold Seeds Wild Flora & Hardwearing Lawn mixtures.
The five grassed tiers are each wide enough for picnic blankets, deckchairs and camping chairs.
Hard Wearing Lawn with ryegrass is designed to produce a tough and durable lawn which is easy to grow and live with. The mixture contains dwarf ryegrass, fescue and bentgrass which together produce a knitted turf and offer unbeatable toughness. We have supplied this mixture for thirty years and frequently hear positive reports from our customers. As well as being used as a lawn, this mixture will produce a suitable turf for caravan parks and airfields. Turf growers also like the blend as it establishes quickly.
Cotswold Wild Flora is a very colourful mixture of native perennial and annual wild flowers and grasses. This is our most popular wild flower mixture. We include annual species in the mixture to give an exceptional show of vivid colour during the first year. From the second year the perennial flower species begin to increase and just get better year by year. Sow between March and early May, or August and early October at 10 kg per acre or 25 kg per hectare. Species included vary occasionally. Pictured here, Gordon Crouch s farm in Devon showing the benefit of the first year annuals.
‘Constructed with the smallest carbon footprint possible; we’ve utilised the existing natural topography, by skilfully sculpting the ground with the minimum of mechanical earth-working, to form a performance space with an audience capacity of 500. The Amphitheatre has been created in memory of Janet Cockell, whose love of telling stories, the performing arts, and the Cotswolds inspired us to build this venue.’
Date Posted: 17th May 2022