Economy Landscape with ryegrass

Ref: mixeco

A low cost, fast establishing mixture, designed to cover large areas quickly. Suitable for banks and other non-prestigious areas.

Contents per Kg%kg
certified turf/dwarf ryegrass50.00.500
certified creeping red fescue50.00.500
Units Kg

£4.73 / Kg

Sowing rate: 35g/m2

Minimum order 1 kg

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on orders over £75.

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Creeping Red Fescue

Often known as Strong Red Fescue, this common grass, as its name implies, has creeping rhizomes . It has a more vigorous creeping habit than some similar species which can help to create a dense, hardwearing turf or sward. These shallow creeping roots help it to remain green even in drier soils.

Creeping Red Fescue Species Guide  Buy Creeping Red Fescue Straight


Dwarf / Turf Perennial Ryegrass

Dwarf ryegrass is a specifically bred strain of perennial ryegrass, selected for its shorter growth habit and its ability to produce low growing tillers and subsequently a thicker sward than standard ryegrass species.

Dwarf / Turf Perennial Ryegrass Species Guide  Buy Dwarf / Turf Perennial Ryegrass Straight