Permanent Grass Without Clover

Ref: mix6nc

This is a variation on our Mix 6 Permanent Grass mixture which we have supplied to hundreds of farmers for many years. This version uses predominantly late heading Perennial Ryegrass and a robust Timothy inclusion for later season growth and to add further longevity to the ley.The exclusion of clover allows a flexible approach to herbicides if this is a site prone to perennial weed issues.The late heading nature of this mixture created a harwearing and dense sward, this makes it very suitabale to livestock grazing, although a silage, hay or haylage cut can be taken if required.

Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)

Contents per Acre%kg
certified ABERBANN perennial ryegrass23.13.000
certified Swan perennial ryegrass23.13.000
certified ABERWOLF perennial ryegrass19.22.500
certified TWYMAX tet. perennial ryegrass19.22.500
certified COMER Timothy15.42.000
Units AcHaKg

£67.00 / Acre

Sowing rate: 13.0kg/acre (32.5kg/ha)

Choose additions
Herbs Mix (0.5 Kg) £9.22/Acre
More InfoThis mixture has been designed to be added to long term pasture mixtures to provide minerals and trace elements. It may also be sown as a herbal strip along a hedgerow.
Cocksfoot for light land (2 Kg) £12.20/Acre
More Info
Minimum order 1 acre

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Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial ryegrass is the most commonly grown productive grass in the UK, used particularly for livestock grazing and forage. It has been the subject of plant breeding for over 60 years, ensuring there are a wide range of perennial ryegrass varieties available commercially.

Perennial Ryegrass Species Guide  Buy Perennial Ryegrass Straight



Possibly the most important and flexible grass species which is used both environmentally and agriculturally. It is a very common species found in pasture throughout the UK. It retains its verdure longer than most grasses and although similar to smaller cats tail, it is larger in size with wider leaves and a longer spike like panicle.

Timothy Species Guide  Buy Timothy Straight