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‘Single Cut’ Red Clover Ley for Heavy Land 70% ORGANIC

Ref: mixcgo9org

A ley lasting for between two and three years to provide one large cut in mid June. The mixture has more bottom than our other red clover leys and is therefore better for grazing later in the summer with sheep or cattle.

Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)

Contents per Acre%kg
certified ALTASWEDE red clover20.92.510
certified ABERSWAN white clover4.10.490
certified GUSTO ORGANIC perennial ryegrass20.02.400
certified DIWAN ORGANIC tet perennial ryegrass50.06.000
certified TWYMAX tet. perennial ryegrass5.00.600
Units AcHaKg

£91.29 / Acre

Sowing rate: 12.0kg/acre (30.0kg/ha)

Choose additions
Westerwolds 1yr Cover Crop 70% ORGANIC (3 Kg) £12.93/Acre
More InfoAdd westerwold ryegrass to your mix to increase yields in the first year and act as a nurse crop for other species in the mix. A hardy annual that will keep regrowing once cut/grazed, but will die away over the course of 1-2 years
Italian ryegrass 2yr cover crop 70% ORGANIC (3 Kg) £13.68/Acre
More InfoAdd Italian ryegrass to improve yields for the first 2-3 years of your ley, and act as a nurse for other developing species
Vetches 70% ORGANIC (10 Kg) £39.00/Acre
More InfoAdd this short term annual legume to your mix to increase yields in the first season and fix nitrogen.Vetch will die away easily after being cut or grazed
Minimum order 1 acre

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Late Flowering Red Clover

Red clover is one of the most popularly used true clovers in the UK. Once established it’s capable of rapid growth and shows reasonably good persistence up to three years, although ongoing breeding work is being carried out to increase plant persistence. The 'single cut' or 'late' strains of red clover, notably the diploid variety altaswede provide one large cut per season, flowering once per season, approximately 2-3 weeks later than the 'double cut' early strains.

Late Flowering Red Clover Species Guide


Medium Leaved White Clover

White clover is one of the most common legumes in the UK. This species can be recognised by its creeping growth habit. Its creeping stolons help to fill in gaps in the sward, putting down roots at each node. White clover varieties can be categorised into small, medium and large leaf sizes. Generally the smaller the leaf size, the more persistent and prostrate the plant will be, the small leaf type will tolerate closer grazing from sheep and tends to sit lower at the base of the sward, the small and medium leaf varieties are used for grazing mixtures. Using mixtures of white clover varieties helps to ensure that at least one can tolerate and contribute to what ever management regime is being imposed at a given time. The medium leaf varieties are very adaptable, generally they can be used for both grazing and cutting mixtures. They combine a good tolerance to cattle or sheep grazing and can contribute to cutting yields, while still being more persistent than the large leaf varieties. There are also variations, which can be classed as small to medium in terms of leaf size. Common medium leaf varieties are aberherald & aberdai, while the variety aberpearl is classed as small to medium leaf in terms of size.

Medium Leaved White Clover Species Guide  Buy Medium Leaved White Clover Straight


Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial ryegrass is the most commonly grown productive grass in the UK, used particularly for livestock grazing and forage. It has been the subject of plant breeding for over 60 years, ensuring there are a wide range of perennial ryegrass varieties available commercially.

Perennial Ryegrass Species Guide  Buy Perennial Ryegrass Straight

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