A Hive Of Activity

Posted: 29th June 2016

The Honeydale bees have been busy! Paul and Chris Wells carried out an inspection today and discovered that the ‘special measures’ hive has reacted well to the new queen, introduced earlier this month. She is healthy, laying lots of eggs and with plenty of brood present... ...so ...

Sainfoin Popularity Soaring

Posted: 15th June 2016

It’s heartening to see that the recently concluded €4 LegumePlus project, in which we have been actively involved for the past four years, is achieving its goal of raising the profile and popularity of fodder legume Sainfoin. From a very modest acreage, we’ve already seen sales of ...

Mob-Grazing at Honeydale Farm

Posted: 13th June 2016

Sam ‘Macca’ McPherson from the Cotswold Seeds’ warehouse is keen to broaden his experience at Honeydale Farm. He owns a small flock of rare Texels sheep and his father is a stockman at the Sezincote Estate, so he’s putting this background to good use. Here Ian and Macca chat ...

Let it Bee!

Posted: 13th June 2016

The two hives at Honeydale have been under close supervision for the past couple of weeks and today we performed another inspection on hive 1, the hive which is not under special measures. We did not find a queen but an empty queen cup was discovered, having been vacated by an emerging queen. The ...


Posted: 1st June 2016

When Paul arrived at Honeydale Farm to check the bees this weekend he found thousands of them swarming all over the apiary and immediately contacted beekeeping mentor Chris Wells for advice.Swarming is natural and common at this time of year. In fact Chris said that it had been ‘a very swarmy ...

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