Mix Finder

We have found 1 suitable items

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Lucerne (Medicago sativa)

Pollen & Nectar Source
This product contains flowering species which are beneficial for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.
Drought Tolerant
Contains deep rooted plants. Grows better in dry weather than shallow rooted species. Massively improves soil structure.
Low Fertiliser Input
Contains enough N fixing legumes to be self sufficient requiring no fertiliser input.
Nitrogen Fixing
This item contains leguminous species, which naturally fix Nitrogen from the air into the soil.
Slow Growing
Slower to establish but require much less maintenance and management.
Ref: LUCE. Lucerne is a very popular plant in the US, used in the UK for silage and hay. Lucerne is also known as Alfalfa when sown as hay to the equine market. It is a high protein nitrogen fixing legume which thrives on free draining, non-acidic soil and requires no fertiliser. More details...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 8.0kg/acre (20.0kg/ha)

£87.20 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

Lucerne ORGANIC (Medicago sativa)

Pollen & Nectar Source
This product contains flowering species which are beneficial for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.
Drought Tolerant
Contains deep rooted plants. Grows better in dry weather than shallow rooted species. Massively improves soil structure.
Low Fertiliser Input
Contains enough N fixing legumes to be self sufficient requiring no fertiliser input.
Nitrogen Fixing
This item contains leguminous species, which naturally fix Nitrogen from the air into the soil.
Slow Growing
Slower to establish but require much less maintenance and management.
Ref: LUCO. Lucerne is a very popular plant in the US, used in the UK primarily for silage and hay. Lucerne is also known as Alfalfa when sown as hay to the equine market. It is a high protein nitrogen fixing legume which thrives on free draining, non-acidic soil and requires no fertiliser. More details...
Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Click for Organic

Sowing rate: 8.0kg/acre (20.0kg/ha)

£87.20 / Acre

Units AcHaKg

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Early Bite Sheep & Hay Ley

Ideal for more early grass on light land, this ley will provide good growth throughout the year and is especially good for lamb production. It is also suitable for hay or silage and can be expected to last for at least three years. Contains white clovers, making grazing more palatable and increasing live weight gains.

Equine Pasture Mix - Long Term No Ryegrass

This is a more persistent, non-ryegrass mix providing good quality, diverse forage with a low sugar content. Although this mix will take a little longer to establish than a ryegrass based mix, it will provide a dense, resilient turf with balanced forage for grazing and hay.

Equine Pasture Mix - Long Term No Ryegrass - 70% ORGANIC

This is a more persistent, non-ryegrass mix providing good quality, diverse forage with a low sugar content. Although this mix will take a little longer to establish than a ryegrass based mix, it will provide a dense, resilient turf with balanced forage for grazing and hay.