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Legume Legacy Newsletter December 2023

Read all about LegumeLegacy’s first face-to-face training gathering. Following its successful online event in September 2023, LegumeLegacy was delighted to host its first in-person training event in November, welcoming all doctoral researchers, PIs and partners of the project to Dublin. You can read extracts from the training on the subjects of sustainable travel, doctoral researcher forum, presentation skills and more.

LegumeLegacy is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network - Optimising multiple benefits of grass, legume and herb mixtures in crop rotations: modelling mechanisms and legacy effects’. It aims to lead the way in transforming productive agricultural crop rotation systems and the 11 Doctoral Researchers will be trained to emerge as the next generation of leading researchers in this field.





Date Posted: 18th January 2024