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CHCx3 Insights - Newsletter

The first edition of CHCx3 Insights, the newsletter of the Centre for High Carbon Capture Cropping, or ‘CHCx3’ for short, feaatures a wealth of info.

* Stuart Knight, NIAB, CHCx3 Knowledge Hub Leader introduces the project - CHCx3 is a four-year, £5.9M project that aims to help UK farmers target Net Zero and build resilience through diversification of arable and forage cropping.

* Viewpoint from Lydia Smith, NIAB, CHCx3 Project Lead - Choosing the right crops; what has driven our decisions and possible outcomes?

* CHCx3 Research in Focus - Phil Howell, NIAB - Exploring the Potential for ‘Perennial Wheat’ in the UK

* Heather Oldfield, Elsoms Seeds - Establishing Hemp and Flax as Viable Choices for UK Growers

* News From the Hub - Improved farming techniques could limit global warming to 1.50C,  Value Chain Tools and Standards Survey

* Biomass Connect - Our ‘sister’ project Biomass Connect, led by UKCEH; Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (see details at is a demonstration and knowledge sharing initiative, which aims to showcase best practice and innovations in energy/biomass crops.

* Envirocrops - CHCx3 is working closely with the Envirocrops project to help share our results. Envirocrops is a project led by the Agri Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) and is building a web app that will act as a digital consultant and provide users with all the information they need on their biomass crops journey

* Meet the CHCx3 Partners -  FarmED and Northern Ireland Hemp Association

* Forthcoming Events in Autumn/Winter 2023-24

Read all about it here and sign up for more Insights...



Date Posted: 25th September 2023


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