Three Year Wild Bird Mix (AHL2)


SFI Codes: AHL2

This mix has been designed to include seed bearing species for farmland birds over 3 years.Annual species like Triticale, Radish, Grain Sorghum and Sunflowers produce seeds in the year of sowing. Kale and Spring sown Rye contribute seed in year two and Chicory and Fennel will start to become dominant from years 2 to 3. Sow this mix into warm spring soils, if you need an early autumn sown option please speak to an advisor before ordering. DUE TO SHORTAGES TRITICALE MAY CHANGE FOR WHEAT Please call for availablility

Persistence (0-10 Years)

Contents per Kg%kg
certified forage rye45.00.450
certified Sopot triticale25.00.250
certifed Shorty dwarf sorghum10.00.100
white millet5.00.050
certified PEREDOVICK dwarf sunflower4.00.040
certified KEEPER kale5.00.050
certified Anna fodder radish1.00.010
certified AVALON leafy turnip0.50.005
fodder rape/kale hybrid1.30.013
certified Cabri mustard0.80.008
certifed PUNA / ENDURE chicory blend1.50.015

£3.44 / Kg

Sowing rate: 20.0kg/acre (50.0kg/ha)

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Chicory is an eye catching, mineral rich forage herb that has a long taproot capable of penetrating to great depth, breaking through plough pans and leaving the soil aerated, aiding drainage and crop root development. It’s frequently used in combination with other species as a soil improving species and is commonly used as an addition to grazing leys due to its high protein content and its ability to fatten lambs. It is also a known anthelmintic species.

Chicory Species Guide  Buy Chicory Straight

C4 Plants

Dwarf Sorghum

Although it is grown around the world for grain and as a fodder source, in the Uk sorghum is generally used as game bird cover. Dwarf sorghum is a short, stocky type of sorghum, designed to remain strong and upright throughout the shooting season.

Dwarf Sorghum Species Guide  Buy Dwarf Sorghum Straight


Fodder Radish

Also commonly known as oil radish, fodder radish is a brassica, it is not a legume but it will hold any residual nitrogen in the soil, which it will then release as it breaks down over time. This species is slower to flower and go to seed than mustard and produces a deeper root system.

Fodder Radish Species Guide  Buy Fodder Radish Straight



Kale is the highest yielding brassica and being winter hardy, can relieve pressure on winter forage. It has a high protein content and is usually grazed between September and March, depending on sowing time. It can be grazed by most livestock including sheep and cattle.

Kale Species Guide  Buy Kale Straight


Kale/Rape Hybrid

This is a hybrid or cross of two separate brassica parent plants, the kale plant and forage rape. The resulting hybrid has the quick speed of establishment of forage rape and the winter hardiness of kale. There are several varieties available on the market. We generally stock the variety Redstart, however Swift is a sister variety with similar attributes.

Kale/Rape Hybrid Species Guide  Buy Kale/Rape Hybrid Straight



Mustard is a rapidly growing, high biomass, nitrogen lifter for growing over the summer. It is one of the quickest growing, green manuring species and is very good at suppressing weeds.

Mustard Species Guide  Buy Mustard Straight



Also known as grazing or cereal rye, this is one of the most effective crops for reducing nitrogen leaching over the winter and it also has good early winter growth, making it one of the best winter green manures. It will also give the earliest spring growth, which may be used for clean early spring grazing. It should not be confused with Ryegrass, as this is a different species, with different characteristics

Rye Species Guide  Buy Rye Straight


Stubble Turnip

One of the most popular short term forage crops in the UK. Stubble turnips are quick to establish with a good level of protein, making them ideal to fatten livestock, especially lambs over the winter. Different varieties are available, from white fleshed round bulbs to pink and white coloured tankard shaped bulbs. The small seed and low sowing rate make them a very economical way of feeding livestock.

Stubble Turnip Species Guide  Buy Stubble Turnip Straight



Sunflowers have be cultivated for their seeds for many centuries. In the Uk we utilise them to provide food for farmland birds.

Sunflower Species Guide



Triticale is a hybrid or crossing of the cereal plants wheat and rye. The benefit of this crossing, is to combine the quality and yield potential of wheat, with the robust nature and wider growing conditions of rye. Currently there is some production for human consumption, however most is used for livestock forage. It may also form a constituent of farmland bird winter food mixtures.

Triticale Species Guide

C4 Plants

White Millet

White millet is a warm season, cultivated grass species. It has been grown for centuries for it seed, as a forage and human consumption. In the UK it is generally used as a game cover component, or in a winter bird food mixture to provide food during the hungry gap, when natural resources are exhausted.

White Millet Species Guide