Quaking Grass (Briza Media) is a loosely tufted, dark green perennial. Tolerant of shade and therefore often found in glades, woods and semi shaded hedgerows. Quaking grass is found mostly in unimproved, species-rich, well-managed grassland on infertile calcareous soils and favouring well-drained areas, sowing on fertile and heavy soils can lead to more productive grasses dominating the sward.
When to sow: Quaking grass can be sown at any time of the year, but better establishment is achieved if sown in early Autumn. This is a slow growing species, so patience is needed during establishment.
Sowing Rates: 4 g/m2 - 16kg per acre - 40kg per ha. Not normally sown as a pure strand, this is a particularly light and fluffy seed, sowing large individual areas is unusual.
Preparation: A fine but firm seedbed should be created, care should be taken to remove any weeds from the area. Once sown the area should be lightly raked over to cover the seed and well consolidated with a roller or similar seed to encourage maximum seed to soil contact and conserve moisture. Seedbeds should not be left unconsolidated and if you leave a footprint on a newly sown area it should be rolled again.
Sowing: The seed should be broadcast or drilled no deeper than 10mm. Sowing too deeply can reduce the germination and establishment dramatically.
Management: As quaking grass is not a very competitive grass, it requires good grassland management (mowing and grazing) to maintain its presence in a mixed sward. Do not allow more aggressive grasses to dominate.
Date Posted: 14th February 2023