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Sowing & Growing: Rough Stalked Meadow Grass (RSMG)

Rough stalked meadow grass (Poa trivialis) is a very common perennial species throughout the UK and Europe. It can be found in lowland pastures, river meadows and waste ground. Recognisable from its tufted habit and erect culms. It is generally leafy towards the base, and will fill out the bottom of the sward as it tolerates partial shading.

Historically it was used as a bottom grass in grazing mixtures. More recently it may be used as part of a traditional meadow mixture or wetland mixture. This species is able to regenerate from seed and shoot fragments if it is disturbed mechanically, this means that it persists well, often quickly recolonising cultivated ground.

It can also form part of a mixture for amenity and lawn seed mixes suited to damp shady areas.

When to sow: Generally sowing in warm soils with adequate moisture from May to September, will give a quick and reliable germination.

Sowing Rates: 30kgs per acre / 75kgs per ha. Usually sown in small quantities as part of a mixture rather than a pure stand.

Preparation: A fine but firm seedbed should be created, care should be taken to remove any weeds from the area. Once sown the area should be lightly raked over to cover the seed and well consolidated with a roller or similar seed to encourage maximum seed to soil contact and conserve moisture. Seedbeds should not be left unconsolidated and if you leave a footprint on a newly sown area it should be rolled again.

Sowing: Rough stalked meadow grass is a small seed and should be broadcast or drilled to a shallow depth, Sowing too deep will reduce the germination dramatically. The soil should be rolled after sowing to increase soil moisture contact.

Management: It has limited tolerance to either very close mowing or trampling particularly on areas with restricted light. This should be mown carefully and not too short or trample too heavily by stock.

Date Posted: 14th February 2023