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LegumePlus Dissemination Event!

The four-year-long LegumePlus project comes to an end later this year, and to celebrate the achievements of all involved, we will be holding a dissemination event in October, where researchers involved in the project will be presenting their research and talking to us about their findings. They will be joined by keynote speakers from the world of agriculture, including those in the farming industry who will be drawing on their personal experiences in the field, together with scientists who will talk in depth about the structures and biological behaviour of these highly beneficial bioactive legumes.

The event takes place over two days, beginning at 11:05am on Tuesday 20th October and concluding at 2:00pm on Wednesday 21st October, with the first day focusing on the potential opportunities of using bioactive legumes within the farming industry and second day highlighting the science of the plants.

The location of the event is as follows:

Sophi Taylor Building, 
Park Farm,
Villa Road,
CB24 9NZ

Click here to view a pdf with details regarding accomodation and travel to help you get to Innovation Farm and staying nearby.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided on both days, so do come along and be inspired by these fascinating bioactive legumes.


Event Programme:

Day 1 - Tuesday 20th October: The crops, farmer interactions and views
11.25‐11.45Welcome & Introduction to the crops: Sainfoin, Lotus and Red Clover: Historical perspectives 
Dr Lydia Smith (Head of NIAB Innovation Farm, NIAB, UK) 
11.45‐12.05 Potential of legume‐based grassland‐livestock systems 
Professor Andreas Lüescher (Agroscope, Switzerland) 
12.05‐12.25 Exploiting novel genetic approaches to underpin future crop improvement 
Dr Leif Skot (Principal Investigator IBERS, University of Aberystwyth, UK) 
12.25‐12.45 Delivering sustainable seed mixtures: the future with deep rooting legumes 
Ian Wilkinson (MD Cotswold Seeds Ltd, UK)  
12.45‐13.00 Q & A / DISCUSSION SESSION 
13.00‐14.00 LUNCH  
14.00‐14.40 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Some like it hot: Plants and temperature 
Dr Phil Wigge (Group Leader, University of Cambridge Sainsbury Laboritory, UK) 
14.40‐14.50 Experience of growing and selling Sainfoin  
Robert Salmon (Farmer/MD Hyde Hall Haylage, UK)  
14.50‐15.00 Sainfoin - A Multi-Talented Feed
Jaroslav Trucka (Salbio e.K., Germany) 
15.05‐15.15 Comfort Break (juice and water available) 
15.15‐15.35 Potential of bioactive legumes for a sustainable control of gastro-intestinal parasites in ruminants
Dr Herve Hoste (Senior Researcher, INRA Toulouse, France) 
15.35‐15.55 Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in dairy cos by use of tannins
Dr Wilbert Pellikaan (Wageningen UR, Netherlands) 
15.55‐16.15 Qualitative impact on final products: food and milk quality 
Dr Frigga Dohme‐Meier/Dr Giuseppe Bee (Head of Research Group, Agroscope ALP,  Switzerland) 
16.15‐16.20 Q & A/ DISCUSSION SESSION  
16.30‐18.00 Tour of glasshouse & garden exhibits 
NIAB Innovation Farm Team 
18.00‐18.45 POSTER AND NETWORKING SESSION (with wine and nibbles) 
19.00‐20.30 DINNER

DAY 2 - Wednesday 21st October: Underlying chemistry and biochemistry 
09.30‐10.00KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Hidden treasures of sainfoin and other forage legumes 
Professor Irene Mueller‐Harvey (University of Reading, UK) 
10.00‐10.20What is a perfect tannin fingerprint like? Ask Willowherb, the potential novel crop 
Professor Juha‐Pekka Salminen, (University of Turku, Finland)  
10.20‐10.40 How tannins interact with gut/rumen parasites to impact human health 
Professor Stig Thamsborg (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) 
10.40‐11.00 Chemical and sensorial quality of lamb meat are affected by legumes
Dr Giuseppe Bee & Dr Frigga Dohme‐Meier (Head of Research Group, Agroscope ALP, Switzerland) 
11.00‐11.30 REFRESHMENTS  
11.30‐11.50 How mixing bioactive legumes with grass impacts animal productivity
Dr Vincent Niderkorn (INRA DAPL, France)  
11.50‐12.10The way forward? Strategies to optimise sainfoin performance and polyphenol content 
Dr Roland Kölliker (Agroscope ISS, Switzerland) 
12.10‐12.25 New tools for rapid quality control in feed production
Marica Engström 
Panel: Ian Wilkinson, Lydia Smith, Irene Muller-Harvey
13.00‐14.00 LUNCH

Date Posted: 19th August 2015


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