Suitable soils
These mixes are suitable for most soil types where the pH is 5.5 or above.
When to sow
Sow between March and early May, or August and late September. Later sowings are slower to establish and can be vulnerable to slugs.
How to sow
Many of the species included have small seeds and should therefore be surface sown onto a fine, firm seedbed at not more than 1-2cm. If broadcasting it is best to lightly harrow and roll twice after sowing.
Once established, Buffer Strips only need to be cut once a year after mid July. If sowing a six metre margin we recommend leaving the outer two or three metres uncut to provide tussocky cover for insects and wildlife.
Beetle Banks may be cut two or three times in the first year for annual weed control but, once established, are cut only to prevent the encroachment of woody and suckering weeds.
Recreating Grassland may be mown for hay (or silage) in late June and can also be grazed or topped if needed. Species Rich Parkland Grassland is less productive and may be grazed occasionally or topped to keep the sward down.
Nutrient requirements
No fertiliser is used for these mixes unless forage is required. If so, maintain ADAS Index 2 for P and K.
Yield potential
Compared to productive leys the grassland mixes here will be considerably lower yielding at around 6-10t DM/ha. The Recreating Grassland can produce 4-5 round bales (450-500kgs) per acre.
Date Posted: 22nd January 2018