Free Workshops - GREATsoils with Plants and Livestock
Ian Wilkinson and Sam Lane from Cotswold Seeds will be speaking at a series of workshops on the links between plants, soil health and financial benefits for farms, aimed at growers, farmers and advisors. The events are part of the Growing Resilient Efficient and Thriving GREATsoils project, which sets out to help growers improve the health of soils via a programme of knowledge exchange and will cover topics such as how understanding and monitoring soil health can improve plant performance and bring financial benefits and how assessing and managing soil health can improve crop quality and yield. GREATsoils is run by a consortium which includes AHDB Horticulture, Earthcare Technical Ltd, The Organic Research Centre and The Soil Association.
Ian and Sam will discuss a method of ‘New Mixed Farming’, looking at how livestock and green manures and other diverse seed mixtures can improve organic matter in the soil. The first event takes place on Thursday, 6 October in Lancashire. The event will be led by Tim Bevan, Farm Business Advisor at the Soil Association and hosted by Chris Molyneux of Molyneux Kale Company.
If you can’t make this one, Ian and Sam will be speaking at further events on Thursday, 27 October, Hosted by G’s Cambridgeshire and at Pollybell Farm in Lincolnshire on Wednesday, 9 November
The workshops (from 10.30pm-3.45pm) are free but places are limited so book early!
Date Posted: 3rd October 2016