For low cost pasture improvement, the time to overseed is early Autumn, the key time to broadcast or drill seed into existing leys. Overseeding can cost as little as £17.40 an acre, with the resulting yield increase covering this cost many times over.
After two hard winters and a dry summer, many pastures are looking very bare. In addition, because of the shortage of forage, many swards have been overgrazed, especially in the Midlands and South. Where heavy poaching has taken place with horses, our Paddock and Gateway repair mix will help repair severe damage.
Ideally, it is best to check soil P and K levels and pH before starting and make any necessary corrections. Overseeding is simple:
- Graze the pasture hard
- Harrow to create a tilth
- Drill or broadcast the seed
- Roll or tread in
- Graze 4-5 weeks after establishment
If applying N fertiliser or FYM wait until the seed is established before applying otherwise the resulting growth in the existing grass will out-compete the new seed.
Date Posted: 3rd September 2011