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Sainfoin Grower’s Guide

The Sainfoin Growers’ Guide is available to order or download. Following on from the EU-funded LegumePlus project, it outlines the many benefits of growing sainfoin and represents the first practical approach for cultivation, focused on building a bridge between the latest advances in science and the agricultural community.

The comprehensive guide details why sainfoin the ‘healthy hay’, once prevalent in the UK, is now seeing a return to favour due to its many beneficial properties. A natural anti-wormer, it is also protein rich and can be used to aid nitrogen fixation and offer improved meat & milk quality, drought resistance, reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and act as a valuable resource for pollinators.

The Sainfoin Growers’ Guide is produced by Cotswold Grass Seeds. Download or enter your details to receive a print copy.

Date Posted: 18th April 2016


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