This Hay & Graze mix was sown in autumn 2020 using discs to create a seed bed after harvest and sown with an air seeder, before rolling twice. The mix provided winter grazing followed by a fertiliser application in mid-March of 60kgs of nitrogen plus sulphur. It was cut in early June producing over ten 350kg haylage bales per acre.
The Four/Five Year Hay/Haylage Ley is a longer term option for the hay and haylage producer with upright diploid hybrid ryegrass and longer lasting perennial ryegrass and Timothy. It’s sown in the autumn to provide a full hay crop in the following spring, or it can also be cut earlier in the year to provide several cuts of haylage. Once cut it will provide high quality late summer and autumn grazing.
The mixture should be sown in the autumn (August- September) to provide good yields in the following spring for both hay or haylage.
Sowing & Growing Guide: https://www.cotswoldseeds.com/articles/350/hay-leys-sowing-and-growing
Date Posted: 23rd August 2021