Yellow Trefoil/white Clover Intercrop Mixture 70% ORGANIC
Ref: mixicorg
This mixture will fill the base of a main crop brassica or cereal without affecting its yield. It reduces weed competition, adds organic matter and fixes nitrogen. br> br>Trefoil rarely interferes with harvest as it is low growing and can be sown into a range of crops including spring cereals, brassicas and maize. This strong growth can eliminate weeds, especially if left in for a second year. br> br>A mixture of species usually provides better results than just a single one. This is due to the different growth characteristics of each species throughout the life of the crop, plus more reliable establishment. Yellow trefoil is a low-growing annual which can be undersown into a cash crop in the spring, providing a vigorous green manure once the main crop is harvested. It tolerates shade and this makes it ideal for undersowing and suppressing weeds within an upstanding crop. Seed should be broadcast from mid March and before the host crop canopy closes in. Yellow trefoil can make available up to 125 kg N per hectare for the following crop. White clover is a perennial plant with a similar low growing habit to yellow trefoil. It is slightly slower to establish but can get very strong in late summer when yellow trefoil slows. This strong growth can eliminate many weeds, especially if left in the ground for a second year. br>Please call for availability
Contents per Acre | % | kg | |
certified Ekola yellow trefoil | 30.0 | 0.900 | |
certified RIVENDEL ORGANIC white clover | 70.0 | 2.100 |
Medium Leaved White Clover
White clover is one of the most common legumes in the UK. This species can be recognised by its creeping growth habit. Its creeping stolons help to fill in gaps in the sward, putting down roots at each node. White clover varieties can be categorised into small, medium and large leaf sizes. Generally the smaller the leaf size, the more persistent and prostrate the plant will be, the small leaf type will tolerate closer grazing from sheep and tends to sit lower at the base of the sward, the small and medium leaf varieties are used for grazing mixtures. Using mixtures of white clover varieties helps to ensure that at least one can tolerate and contribute to what ever management regime is being imposed at a given time. The medium leaf varieties are very adaptable, generally they can be used for both grazing and cutting mixtures. They combine a good tolerance to cattle or sheep grazing and can contribute to cutting yields, while still being more persistent than the large leaf varieties. There are also variations, which can be classed as small to medium in terms of leaf size. Common medium leaf varieties are aberherald & aberdai, while the variety aberpearl is classed as small to medium leaf in terms of size.
Medium Leaved White Clover Species Guide Buy Medium Leaved White Clover Straight
Yellow Trefoil / Black Medick
Yellow trefoil (also known as black medick) is a short lived annual/biennial legume, with a low growth habit making it a common choice for undersowing and soil improvement.