Herbal Ley Establishment & Management
Discover the benefits of introducing herbal leys into your rotation with this one day course, and leave feeling confident in your abilities to plan and manage your own system. *9 BASIS points available*
Interested in how herbal leys feature in SFI options? Explore the many benefits to forage, livestock health, soil fertility and resilience of introducing low-input herbal leys into your rotations. This one day course, brought to you by the FarmED team and Cotswold Seeds will give you the confidence to introduce and manage herbal leys in your own system. There are 9 BASIS points available for attending this course.
Is this for me?
This course is designed for arable and livestock farmers and growers who are interested in working with herbal leys but want to learn more about how to start integrating these seed mixtures into their current operations.
Date Posted: 4th July 2024