Smooth stalked meadow grass (poa pratensis) is a long term persistent perennial species. It is found throughout the UK in meadows, traditional pastures and amenity areas. It is said to be one of the greenest grasses found growing in the early spring and is an indicator of land that is well drained and in good heart.
The species itself is palatable and nutritional to livestock. It is often called one of the traditional 'sweet grasses'.
When to sow: Sow into warmer soils from May to June.
Sowing Rates: 6.25 g/m2 - 25kgs per acre - 62.5kgs per ha.
(Amenity rates may be significantly higher than agricultural rates to ensure a dense turf is created. Grams per m2 are normally the preferred units for amenity situations).
Preparation: A fine but firm seedbed should be created and care should be taken to remove any weeds from the area. Once sown, the area should be lightly raked over to cover the seed and well consolidated with a roller or similar to encourage maximum seed to soil contact and conserve moisture. Seedbeds should not be left unconsolidated and if you leave a footprint on a newly sown area it should be rolled again.
Sowing: Smooth stalked meadow grass is a small seed and should be broadcast or drilled to a shallow depth. Sowing too deep will reduce the germination dramatically. The soil should be rolled after sowing to increase seed to soil contact.
Management: Its numerous strong-growing rhizomes enable it to withstand drought heat and cold stress. It is also very tolerant of grazing and trampling so persists well in paths and heavily grazed pastures.
Date Posted: 20th January 2023