The 2022 edition of the Cotswold Seed's Catalogue will be landing on your doorstep in the next few days.
As usual it’s packed with info on everything from green manures to grazing leys and red clover leys to root crops. Sam Lane, our Technical Manager, gives us his view on the English SFI (Sustainable Farming Incentive) opportunities for diverse herbal leys, along with his thoughts on using legumes to combat current spikes in fertiliser prices.
There are sowing & growing guides and five brand new First Hand Case Studies:
* Angus Gowthorpe in the Vale of York talks about using herbal leys with livestock on his arable farm.
* Mark Melly, who farms on the North Wessex Downs, talks about mob-stocking on his mixed farm on the North Wessex Downs.
* Phil Shaw from Oxfordshire talks about producing specialist hay and haylage.
* Chris Molyneux talks about how soil boosting cover crops help him to grow kale and brassicas.
* Justin Newman in Cornwall puts the case for pastured pigs.
If you are not on our mailing list, you can request a copy at info@cotswoldseeds.com or you can download the catalogue here.
Date Posted: 9th February 2022